This data is from the article published in Surface Science titled: "The sputtering of radiolytic O2 in ion irradiated H2O-ice" Authors: Patrick D. Tribbett and Mark J. Loeffler The data files are: Figure 2 - Total sputtering yield dependence on the incident Ar+ flux during irradiation of H2O-ice with 3 keV Ar+ at 80 K Figure 2.txt; the columns are ion flux (ions cm^-2 sec^-1), sputtering yield (H2O ion^-1), and estimated error (+/- H2O ion^-1). Figure 3 - Total Sputtering yield dependence on the sample column density at 80 K during irradiation with 3 keV Ar+ Figure 3.txt: the columns are column density (H2O cm^-2), sputtering yield (H2O ion^-1), and error (+/- H2O ion^-1). Figure 4 - Total Sputtering Yield as a function of Ar+ energy at 40, 80, 100, and 120 K Figure 4.txt; the columns are ion energy (keV), sputtering yield at 40 K, error at 40 K (+/- H2O ion^-1), sputtering yield at 80 K, error at 80 K (+/- H2O ion^-1), sputtering yield at 100 K, error at 100 K (+/- H2O ion^-1), sputtering yield at 120 K, error at 120 K (+/- H2O ion^-1). Figure 6 - O2 sputtering yields at 40, 80, 100 K and 120 K as a function of Ar+ energy Figure 6 - O2 Sputtering Yield vs. E and T.txt; the columns are ion energy (keV), sputtering yield of O2 at 40 K (O2 ion^-1), error at 40 K (+/- O2 ion^-1), sputtering yield of O2 at 80 K (O2 ion^-1), error at 80 K (+/- O2 ion^-1), sputtering yield of O2 at 100 K (O2 ion^-1), error in the O2 sputtering yield at 100 K (+/- O2 ion^-1), sputtering yield of O2 at 120 K (O2 ion^-1), error at 120 K (+/- O2 ion^-1). Figure 6 - O2-H2O ratio vs. range.txt; the columns are ion range (angstroms) and O2:H2O number ratio at 120 K. **These files are best read by importing them into microsoft excel, origin pro or an equilavent software. The columns are delimited by tab.