This data is from our submitted paper: "Probing Microporous ASW with Near-infared Spectroscopy: Implications for JWST’s NIRSpec" Authors: P.D. Tribbett and M.J. Loeffler The data files are for: Figure 1 - Near-IR spectra for a 4.13 x 10^18 H2O cm^-2 sample deposited at 21 K and warmed to 150 K as a function of temperature Figure 1 - DB1+DB2.txt: the first column is wavenumber (cm^-1) and the next nine columns are optical depth spectra for films taken at 21, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130, 150 K, and 21 K (crystalline). The spectra in this region have been multiplied by 0.1 for ease of comparison in a single plot. Figure 1 - DB3+DB4+DB5.txt: the first column is wavenumber (cm^-1) and the next nine columns are optical depth spectra for films taken at 21, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130, 150 K, and 21 K (crystalline). Figure 1 - Full Spectrum - prior to vertical shift and scaling: the data in Figure 1 before vertically shifting the spectra but after correcting for water vapor. Note these spectra extend down to 2000 cm^-1. Figure 2 - Near-IR spectra of the indvidual DB absorption bands for a 4.13 x 10^18 H2O cm^-2 sample deposited at 21 K and warmed to 150 K as a function of temperature Figure 2 - DB1+DB2.txt: the first column is wavenumber (cm^-1) and the next eight columns are optical depth pectra for films taken at 21, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130, and 150 K. The last column is a crystalline sample taken at 21 K. Figure 2 - DB3.txt: the first column is wavenumber (cm^-1) and the next eight columns are optical depth spectra for films taken at 21, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130, and 150 K. The last column is a crystalline sample taken at 20 K. Figure 2 - DB4+DB5.txt: the first column is wavenumber (cm^-1) and the next eight columns are optical depth spectra for films taken at 21, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130, and 150 K. The last column is a crystalline sample taken at 20 K. Figure 3 - Normalized DB band area during heating of a 4.13 x 10^18 H2O cm^-2 sample intially deposited at 21 K. Figure 3 - DB vs. T.txt: the columns are temperature (Kelvin), normalized band area of DB1 and DB2, normalized band area of DB3, and normalized band area of DB4 and DB5. Figure 3 - DB + CH4.txt: the columns are column density of methane, normalized band area of DB3' and normalized band area of DB2' Figure 4: Near-IR spectra of the DB1 + DB3 bands and CH4 for a 4.13 x 10^18 H2O cm^-2 sample deposited at 21 K during adsorption of CH4 at 21 K Figure 4 - DB1+DB2.txt: the first column is wavenumber (cm^-1) and the next four columns are after depositing (in units of 10^17 CH4 cm^-2): 0, 4.68, 9.34, and 23.4. Figure 4 - DB1+DB2 - prior to continuum removal: the files in Figure 4 - DB1+DB2.txt before removing the continuum. Figure 4 - CH4.txt: the first column is wavenumber (cm^-1) and the next four columns are after depositing (in units of 10^17 CH4 cm^-2): 0, 4.68, 9.34, and 23.4. Figure 4 - CH4 - prior to continuum removal.txt: the files in Figure 4 - CH4.txt before removing the continuum. Figure 5. Near-IR spectra of the DB3-DB5 for a 4.13 x 10^18 H2O cm^-2 sample deposited at 21 K during adsorption of CH4 at 21 K Figure 5 DB4 + DB5.txt: the first column is wavenumber (cm^-1) and the next four columns are after depositing (in units of 10^17 CH4 cm^-2): 0, 4.68, 9.34, and 23.4. Figure 5 - DB4 + DB5 - prior to continuum removal.txt: the files in Figure 5 - DB4 + DB5.txt before removing the continuum Figure 5 - DB3.txt: the first column is wavenumber (cm^-1) and the next four columns are after depositing (in units of 10^17 CH4 cm^-2): 0, 4.68, 9.34, and 23.4. Figure 5 - DB3 - prior to continuum removal.txt: the same files in Figure 5 - DB3.txt before removing the continuum **These files are best read by importing them into microsoft excel, origin pro or an equilavent software. The columns are delimited by tab.