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Items where Year is 2002

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Number of items: 64.

Acker, Thomas L. and Auberle, William M. and Duque, Earl P.N. and Jeffery, William D. and LaRoche, David R. and Masayesva, Virgil and Smith, Dean H. (2002) The implications of the regional haze rule on renewable and wind energy development on Native American lands in the west: Working paper series--02-21. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Allen, Craig D. and Savage, Melissa and Falk, Donald A. and Suckling, Kieran F. and Swetnam, Thomas W. and Schulke, Todd and Stacey, Peter B. and Morgan, Penelope and Hoffman, Martos and Klingel, Jon T. (2002) Ecological restoration of southwestern ponderosa pine ecosystems: A broad perspective. Ecological Applications, 12 (5). pp. 1418-1433. ISSN 1051-0761

Amer, T. S. and Drake, Phil (2002) The auditor's evaluation of other information accompanying financial statements: Qualitative expressions of magnitude describing corporate earnings: Working paper series--02-02. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Amer, T.S. (2002) Bias due to visual illusion in the graphical presentation of information: Working paper series--02-30. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Amer, T.S. and Lucy, Richard F. and Maris, Jo-Mae (2002) Alternative forms of program documentation for the support of audit review: An experimental investigation of usability: Working paper series--02-06. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Atkins, Allen B. and Pince, Stephen (2002) How well do conventional stock market indicators predict stock market movements? Working paper series--03-02. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Atkins, Allen B. and Pince, Stephen (2002) The IPO market: Do investors and analysts who follow IPOs learn? Working paper series--02-26. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Bain, Craig and Ballentine, Crystal and DeSouza, Anil and Majure, Lisa and Smith, Dean Howard and Turek, Jill (2002) Economic and social development stemming from the electrification of the housing stock On The Navajo Nation: Working paper series--02-34. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Bera, Anil K. and Ng, Pin T. (2002) Robust tests for heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation in the multiple regression model: Working paper series--02-05. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Campione, Wendy and Jerrell, Max and Morgan, James (2002) Wages, training, and voluntary labor turnover: Comparing IT workers with other professionals: Working paper series--02-12. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Chambers, Carol L. (2002) Forest Management and the Dead Wood Resource in Ponderosa Pine Forests: Effects on Small Mammals. Technical Report. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station.

Covington, W.W. (2002) Congressional testimony at hearing to discuss the President's healthy forests: An initiative for wildfire prevention and stronger communities, September 5, 2002. Technical Report. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Covington, W.W. (2002) Congressional testimony at the House Resources Committee hearing to discuss the president's healthy forests: An initiative for wildfire prevention and stronger communities, September 5, 2002 in Washington, DC. Technical Report. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Covington, W.W. (2002) Congressional testimony at the House Subcommittee on Forests and Forest Health Field Hearing on interagency cooperation in wildland fire fighting, September 28, 2002 in Show Low, AZ. Technical Report. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Covington, W.W. (2002) Congressional testimony at the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources hearing on additional funds for wildland firefighting and forest restoration as well as ongoing implementation of the National Fire Plan, July 16, 2002 in Washington, DC. Technical Report. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Crouse, Joseph E. and Fule, Peter Z. (2002) Species and canopy cover map development using Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper imagery for Grand Canyon National Park. Technical Report. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute and School of Forestry, Flagstaff, United States.

Durham, John W. and Williams, Robert H. (2002) The Internet, Not a Panacea: Distance Education in 2001: Working Paper Series--02-22. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Farlow, Jason and Postic, Danielle and Smith, Kimothy L. and Jay, Zack and Baranton, Guy and Keim, Paul (2002) Strain typing of Borrelia burgdorferi, Borrelia afzelii, and Borrelia garinii by using multiple-locus variable-number tandem repeat analysis. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 40 (12). pp. 4612-4618. ISSN 1098-660X

Fettes, Kevin J. and Howard, Nigel and Hickman, David T. and Adah, Steven and Player, Mark R. and Torrence, Paul F. and Micklefield, Jason (2002) Synthesis and nucleic-acid-binding properties of sulfamide- and 3'-N-sulfamate-modified DNA. Journal of the Chemical Society - Perkin Transactions 1 (4). pp. 485-495. ISSN 1364-5463

Ffolliott, P.F. and Gottfried, G.J. (2002) Dynamics of a pinyon-juniper stand in northern Arizona: a half-century history. Other. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, http://www.fs.fed.us/rmrs/.

Fouet, Agnès and Smith, Kimothy L. and Keys, Chris and Vaissaire, Josée and Le Doujet, Claudine and Levy, Martine and Mock, Michèle and Keim, Paul (2002) Diversity among French Bacillus anthracis isolates. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 40 (12). pp. 4732-4734. ISSN 1098-660X

Friederici, P.G. (2002) Working paper 01: Restoring the Uinkaret Mountains: Operational lessons and adaptive management practices. Working Paper. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Friederici, P.G. (2002) Working paper 02: Understory plant community restoration in the Uinkaret Mountains, Arizona. Working Paper. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Galuszka, Donna M. and Kolb, Thomas E. (2002) Tree growth and regeneration response to climate and stream flow in a species-rich southwestern riparian forest. Western North American Naturalist, 62 (3). pp. 266-279. ISSN 1944-8341

Gunderson, Ronald J. and Pinto, James V. (2002) An analysis of average annual pay and cost-of-living in U.S. metropolitan regions: Working paper series--02-28. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Hildred, William and Pinto, James (2002) Impacts of supply chain management on competition: Working paper series--02-10. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Huffman, David W. (2002) A seed chalcid (Eurytoma squamosa Bugbee) parasitizes buckbrush (Ceanothus fendleri Gray) seeds in a ponderosa pine forest of Arizona. Western North American Naturalist, 62 (4). pp. 474-478. ISSN 1527-0904

Jerrell, Max E. and Campione, Wendy A. (2002) Finding and verifying all solutions of a system of nonlinear equations using public domain software: Working paper series--02-14. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Keane, R.E. and Ryan, K.C. and Veblen, T.T. and Allen, C.D. and Logan, J. and Hawkes, B. (2002) Cascading effects of fire exclusion in Rocky Mountain ecosystems: a literature review. Other. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, CO.

Koenker, Roger and Ng, Pin (2002) SparseM: A sparse matrix package for R: Working paper series--02-31. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Law, David R. and DeGioia-Eastwood, Kathleen and Moore, Kevin L. (2002) Empirical bounds for the ionizing fluxes of Wolf-Rayet stars. Astrophysical Journal, 565 (1239). pp. 1239-1250. ISSN 1538-4357

Law, David R. and DeGioia-Eastwood, Kathleen and Moore, Kevin L. (2002) Empirical bounds for the ionizing gluxes of Wolf-Rayet stars. The Astrophysical Journal, 565 (2). pp. 1239-1250. ISSN 0004-637X

Lew, Alan A. and McKercher, Bob (2002) Trip destinations, gateways and itineraries: the example of Hong Kong. Tourism Management, 23. pp. 609-621. ISSN 0261-5177 (Submitted)

Lorents, Alden and Morgan, James and Tallman, Gary (2002) Course integration: What impact on student grades? Working paper series--02-11. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Lucy, Richard and Anderson, Joe S. (2002) The effects of a positive reward system on student procrastination: Working paper series--02-08. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Lucy, Richard F. and Vanlengen, Craig (2002) Download time and intent to use a web page: Working paper series--02-09. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

McAlexander, James H. and Kim, Stephen K. and Roberts, Scott D. (2002) Loyalty Among Relationally Oriented Customers: Not Just an Issue of Managing Satisfaction: Working Paper Series--02-27. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Minard, A.E. (2002) Working Paper 03: Protecting Old Trees from Prescribed Fire. Working Paper. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Minard, A.E. and Friederici, P.G. and Edwards, E.R. (2002) Forest restoration for homeowners: A guide for residents of southwestern ponderosa pine forests. Technical Report. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute, Flagstaff, United States.

Morgan, James N. and Tallman, Gary D. (2002) Development implementation, and assessment of course learning outcomes: Working paper series--02-01. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Ng, Pin T. and Smith, James L. (2002) The elasticity of demand for gasoline: A semi-parametric analysis: Working paper series--02-33. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Noll, Keith S. and Stephens, Denise C. and Grundy, Will M. and Millis, Robert L. and Spencer, John and Buie, Marc W. and Tegler, Stephen C. and Romanishin, William and Cruikshank, Dale P. (2002) Detection of two binary trans-Neptunian objects, 1997 CQ29 and 2000 CF105, with the Hubble Space Telescope. The Astronomical Journal, 124 (6). pp. 3424-3429. ISSN 1538-3881

Odell, Andrew P. and Schombert, James and Rakos, Karl (2002) The color-magnitude relation in Coma. Clues to the age and metallicity of cluster populations. Astronomical Journal, 124 (6). pp. 3061-3072. ISSN 1538-3881

Paden, Nita and Stell, Roxanne (2002) Branding: Considerations for distance education programs: working paper series--02-32. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Paxton, Eben H. and Sogge, Mark K. and McCarthey, Tracy D. and Keim, Paul (2002) Nestling sex ratio in the southwestern willow flycatcher. Condor, 104 (4). pp. 877-881. ISSN 1938-5129

Pielstick, C. Dean (2002) Teaching spiritual synchronicity in a business leadership class: Working paper series--02-07. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Pinto, James V. and Ng, Pin and Allen, David S. (2002) Logical extremes, beta, and the power of the test: Working paper series--02-03. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Ratliff, Nicholas and Smith, Dean Howard (2002) Renewable Energy Electricity Generation in Arizona: What, Why, and Maybe How: Working Paper Series--02-35. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Roberts, Scott D. and Anderson, Joe S. (2002) Brake lights at the border: Going international twenty-two miles away (an international marketing/management case): Working paper series--02-13. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Scherpereel, Christopher M. (2002) Alignment: The duality of decision problems: Working paper series--02-16. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Scherpereel, Christopher M. (2002) Decision-order theory: A decision taxonomy: Working paper series--02-18. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Scherpereel, Christopher M. (2002) IQSOFT Ltd Hungary a case for change: Working paper series--02-15. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Scherpereel, Christopher M. (2002) Orderness: An extension of decision problem alignment: Working paper series--02-19. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Scherpereel, Christopher M. (2002) Profiling decision makers exploring the dimensions of decision making: Working paper series--02-29. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Scherpereel, Christopher M. (2002) Seeking the dimensions of decision-making: An exploratory study: Working paper series--02-17. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Scherpereel, Christopher M. (2002) The impact of business war games: Quantifying training effectiveness: Working paper series--02-20. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Scherpereel, Christopher M. (2002) The option-creating institution: A real options perspective on economic organization: Working paper series--02-04. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Stevens, B. (2002) Anniversary of Mount Elden Fire Serves as Reminder of Catastrophic Fires Long-term Impacts. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Stevens, B. (2002) Fall 2002 - Regaining Lost Ground: Ecological Restoration News. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Stevens, B. (2002) Spring 2002 - Regaining Lost Ground: Ecological Restoration News. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Stevens, B. (2002) Summer 2002 - Regaining Lost Ground: Ecological Restoration News. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Tu, Chih-Hsiung (2002) The impacts of text-based CMC on online social presence. Journal of Interactive Online Learning, 1 (2). pp. 1-24. ISSN 1541-4914

Wilson, Lindsay (2002) For health and beauty: Physical culture for Frenchwomen, 1880s-1930s. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 76 (3). pp. 621-622. ISSN 1086-3176

Wilson, Lindsay (2002) True story on the births of royal children of France and advice to my daughter and other texts (book review). Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 76 (3). pp. 599-601. ISSN 1086-3176

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