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Items where Department/Unit is "Ecological Restoration Institute"

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Number of items at this level: 347.


Laughlin, Daniel C. and Strahan, Robert T. and Moore, Margaret M. and Fule, Peter Z. and Huffman, David W. and Covington, William Wallace (2017) Dataset for: The hierarchy of predictability in ecological restoration: are vegetation structure and functional diversity more predictable than community composition? [Dataset] (In Press)


Evans, Al (2016) 2015 Wildfire Season: An Overview, Southwestern U.S. Other. Ecological Restoration Institute/ Southwest Fire Science Consortium, Flagstaff, United States.

Stoddard, Michael (2016) Five-year post-restoration conditions and simulated climate change trajectories in a warm/dry mixed-conifer forest, southwestern Colorado, USA. Other. Ecological Restoration Institute, Flagstaff, United States.

Strahan, R.T. and Sanchez Meador, A.J. and Huffman, D.W. and Laughlin, D.C. (2016) Archive data used for Strahan et al. 2016 "Shifts in community-level traits and functional diversity in a mixed conifer forest: a legacy of land-use change". [Dataset] (In Press)

Strahan, Robert T. (2016) Increasing evidence that thinning and burning treatments help restore understory plant communities in ponderosa pine forests. Other. Ecological Restoration Institute, Flagstaff, United States.

Vosick, Diane (2016) Democratizing federal forest management through public participation and collaboration. Arizona State Law Journal, 48 (1). pp. 93-109.


Bryant, Timothy (2015) Fact sheet: Implications of diameter caps on multiple forest resource responses in the context of the four forest restoration initiative. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Covington, William Wallace (2015) 2015 Annual Report to the USDA Forest Service under Sponsor Award #14-DG-11031600-055 for 2014 (NAU Projects 1002442-1002446) and #15-DG-11031600-073 for 2015 (NAU Projects 1002742-1002747). Other. Ecological Restoration Institute, Flagstaff, United States.

Huffman, David W. (2015) Fact sheet: Long-term herbivore exclusion for recovery of buckbrush populations during restoration of ponderosa pine forests in northern Arizona. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Kim, Yeon-Su and Lucas, Anne Mottek (2015) 2013–2014 White Mountain Stewardship Project economic assessment. Technical Report. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Lucas, A. M. (2015) Flagstaff Watershed Protection Project: Creating Solutions through Community Partnerships. Other. Ecological Restoration Institute, Flagstaff, United States.

Norton, H.W. (2015) ERI Fall Newsletter 2015. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Norton, Heath (2015) ERI fall newsletter–October 2015. ERI.

Swetnam, T.L. and Falk, D.A. (2015) Fact Sheet: Carbon Cycling in Southwestern Forests: Reservoirs, Fluxes, and the Effects of Fire and Management. Other. Ecological Restoration Institute/ Southwest Fire Science Consortium, Flagstaff, United States.

Swetnam, T.L. and Falk, D.A. (2015) Working Paper 35: Carbon Cycling in Southwestern Forests: Reservoirs, Fluxes, and the Effects of Fire and Management. Working Paper. Ecological Restoration Institute/ Southwest Fire Science Consortium, Flagstaff, United States.

Wasserman, Tzeidle Nicole (2015) Working paper 36: Wildlife and fire: Impacts of wildfire and prescribed fire on wildlife and habitats in southwestern coniferous forests. Working Paper. Ecological Restoration Institute/ Southwest Fire Science Consortium, Flagstaff, United States.


Abella, Scott and Springer, Judy (2014) Fact sheet: Effects of tree cutting and fire on understory vegetation in mixed conifer forests. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Covington, W.W. (2014) Final report on cooperative work plan FY2014. Technical Report. Ecological Restoration Institute, Flagstaff, United States.

Egan, Dave and Nielsen, Erik (2014) Issues in forest restoration: The history of the four forest restoration initiative: 1980s-2010. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Evans, A.M. (2014) 2013 Wildfire Season: An Overview, Southwestern U.S. Technical Report. Ecological Restoration Institute/SouthWest Fire Consortium/NAU.

Fleishman, E. and Thomson, J. R. and Kalies, E.L. and Dickson, B.G. and Dobkin, D.s. and Leu, M. (2014) Projecting current and future location, quality, and connectivity of habitat for breeding birds in the Great Basin. Ecosphere, 5 (7). art82. ISSN 2150-8925

Fule, Pete (2014) Fact Sheet: Unsupported inferences of high-severity fire in historical dry forests of the western United States: response to Williams and Baker. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Gaylord, M.L. (2014) Working Paper 30: Impact of Forest Restoration Treatments on Southwestern Ponderosa Pine Tree Resistance to Bark Beetles. Working Paper. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute/SouthWest Fire Consortium.

Gaylord, M.L. (2014) Working Paper 31: Climate Change Impacts on Bark Beetle Outbreaks and the Impact of Outbreaks on Subsequent Fires. Working Paper. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Greco, Bruce and Sensibaugh, Mark (2014) Rapid assessment report: Upper Rocky Arroyo restoration project. Technical Report. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute, Flagstaff, United States.

Ha, Wonsook and Masek Lopez, Sharon and Springer, Abe (2014) Fact sheet: Field considerations for measuring evapotranspiration with the Eddy Covariance Method. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Kalies, E.L. (2014) Fact Sheet: Stand Structure and Breeding Birds: Implications for Restoring Ponderosa Pine Forests. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Kalies, E.L. (2014) Fact Sheet: What Are the Consequences of Cutting Old Ponderosa Pine Trees? A Systematic Review. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Kent, L.Y. (2014) Working paper 32: An evaluation of fire regime reconstruction methods. Working Paper. Southwest Fire Science Consortium.

Mottek-Lucas, Anne and Kim, Yeon-Su and Davis, Jane and Moseley, Cassandra and Nielsen-Pincus, Max and Bilek, Ted (2014) Fact sheet: The impacts of the woody biomass utilization program in Eastern Arizona. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

O'Donnell, Frances (2014) Fact sheet: Estimating the effect of forest restoration on water resources in northern Arizona. ERI fact sheets. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Ouzts, Jessica and Kolb, Thomas (2014) Fact sheet: Genetic considerations for restoring forests of the southwest after severe disturbance. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Roccaforte, John Paul (2014) Fact sheet: Planting to restore ponderosa pine sites burned by high-severity fire. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Rodman, Kyle and Sanchez Meador, Andrew (2014) Fact sheet: Characterizing spatial reference conditions in southwestern warm/dry mixed-conifer forests. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Sensibaugh, Mark and Huffman, Dave (2014) Fact sheet: Managing naturally ignited wildland fire to meet fuel reduction and restoration goals in frequent-fire forests. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Springer, Judith (2014) Fact sheet: Ecology of Rusby's Milkvetch (Astragulus rusbyi), a rare endemic of northern Arizona ponderosa pine forests. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Springer, Judith (2014) Fact sheet: Long-term responses of Penstemon Clutei (Sunset Crater beardtongue) to root trenching and prescribed fire: Clues for population persistence. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Springer, Judith (2014) Fact sheet: Soil seed banks in a mature coniferous forest landscape: Dominance of native perennials and low spatial variability. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Springer, Judith D. (2014) Working paper 29: Post-wildfire restoration of structure, composition, and function in southwestern ponderosa pine and warm/dry mixed-conifer forests. Working Paper. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Springer, Judy (2014) Fact sheet: Post-wildfire restoration of structure, composition, and function in southwestern ponderosa pine and warm-dry mixed-conifer forests. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Stempniewicz, V. (2014) Fact Sheet: Sediment Yield After Severe Wildfire. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Yarborough, R.F. (2014) Fact Sheet: Summer Habitat Use by Adult Female Mule Deer in a Restoration-Treated Ponderosa Pine Forest. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.


Combrink, T. and Cothran, C. and Fox, W. and Peterson, J. and Snider, G.B. (2013) Issues in Forest Restoration: Full Cost Accounting of the 2010 Schultz Fire. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Crouse, Joe and Waltz, Amy (2013) Identifying priority treatment areas across the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests. Technical Report. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute, Flagstaff, United States.

Dubay, Tayloe and Egan, Dave and Hjerpe, Evan E. and Selig, Wendy and Brewer, Dave and Coelho, Dana and Wurtzebach, Zachary and Schultz, Courtney and Waltz, Amy E.M. (2013) Breaking barriers, Building bridges: Collaborative forest landscape restoration handbook. Northern Arizona University.

Ecological Restoration Institute (2013) The efficacy of hazardous fuel treatments: A rapid assessment of the economic and ecologic consequences of alternative hazardous fuel treatments. Technical Report. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute, Flagstaff, United States.

Fitch, Ryan A. and Kim, Yeon-Su and Waltz, Amy E.M. (2013) Issues in forest restoration: Forest restoration treatments: Their effect on wildland fire suppression costs. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Huffman, Dave and Greco, Bruce and Chancellor, Walker and Crouse, Joe and Springer, Judy and Waltz, Amy (2013) White mountain stewardship program monitoring report. Technical Report. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute, Flagstaff, United States.

Huffman, David W. (2013) Fact sheet: Influence of time since fire on pinyon-juniper woodland structure. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Huffman, David W. (2013) Fact sheet: Understory plant community responses to hazardous fuels reduction treatments in pinyon-juniper woodlands of Arizona, USA. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Margolis, E.Q. and Huffman, D.W. and Iniguez, J.M. (2013) Working paper 28: Southwestern mixed conifer forests: Evaluating reference conditions to guide ecological restoration treatments. Working Paper. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Masek Lopez, Sharon (2013) Fact sheet: Forest change and water balance: Investigating forest restoration treatment effects on soil water storage, evapotranspiration, groundwater recharge and surface water discharge. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Moote, A. (2013) Appendix III: sample evaluation tools and change mechanisms. In: Closing the feedback loop: evaluation and adaptation in collaborative resource management. Northern Arizona University Ecological Restoration Institute, Flagstaff, AZ.

Moote, A. (2013) Closing the feedback loop: evaluation and adaptation in collaborative resource management. Northern Arizona University Ecological Restoration Institute, Flagstaff, AZ.

Nielsen, Erik and Solop, Fred (2013) Fact sheet: Forest health and water supply protection project ballot measure: Exit poll results. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Reif, S. and Yarborough, R.F. and Rosenstock, S.S. and Kalies, E.L. and Hedwall, S. (2013) Working Paper 26: Wildlife Habitat Values and Forest Structure in Southwestern Ponderosa Pine: Implications for Restoration. Working Paper. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Roccaforte, John Paul (2013) The Wallow Fire and its effects on mixed conifer forest: A comparison with reference conditions. Special report to the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests, USDA Forest Service, Region 3. Technical Report. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute, Flagstaff, United States.

Roccaforte, John Paul and Stoddard, Michael T. and Fule, Peter Z. (2013) Preliminary results from the mineral ecosystem management area (EMA) experimental block study: One-year post-treatment. Special report to the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests, USDA Forest Service, Region 3. Technical Report. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Sensibaugh, Mark and Greco, Bruce and Chancellor, Walker and Stoddard, Mike (2013) Larson forest restoration project historic range of variation (HRV reference conditions) assessment report. Special report to the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests. Technical Report. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute, Flagstaff, United States.

Stoddard, Michael T. (2013) Fact sheet: An example of forest restoration in a warm/dry mixed-conifer forest. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Vosick, Diane (2013) Fact sheet: Efficacy of hazardous fuel treatments: A rapid assessment of the economic and ecologic consequences of alternative hazardous fuel treatments. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Vosick, Diane (2013) Fact sheet: Lessons learned from the Wallow Fire - final. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Waltz, Amy and Stoddard, Mike (2013) Fact sheet: Do fuel treatments reduce fire severity in ponderosa pine forests? Tree mortality patterns one year after the Wallow Fire. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Wyatt, C. (2013) Fact Sheet: How Restoration Thinning Treatments on Conifer-dominated Watersheds Affect the Water Budget. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Wyatt, C. (2013) Fact Sheet: Interpretive Model of Regional Semi-arid Aquifer Responses to Large-scale Forest Restoration Treatments and Climate Change. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Yarborough, R.F. and Loberger, C.D. (2013) Fact Sheet: Tassel-eared Squirrel Habitat Use and Abundance in Managed Forests within the Wildland Urban Interface. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Yocom, Larissa (2013) Working paper 27: Fuel treatment longevity. Working Paper. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.


Allen, J.A. and Ramstead, K. (2012) Fact sheet: Evidence-based conservation systematic review: effectiveness of wet meadow restoration projects. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Combrink, Thomas and Fox, Wayne and Petersen, Jeff (2012) Issues in forest restoration: Workforce needs of the four forest restoration initiative project: An analysis. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Crouse, J.E. and Kalies, E.L. and Roccaforte, J.P. and Fule, P.Z. (2012) Fact sheet: Meta-analysis of treatment effects on fire behavior. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Dubay, C.T. (2012) News release: NAU regents’ professor appointed to federal forest policy committee. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Egan, D. (2012) Fact sheet: 4FRI workforce analysis. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Greer, W.J. (2012) Fact Sheet: Managing Sources of Conflict in Collaborative Settings. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Huffman, D.W. and Sanchez Meador, A.J. and Greco, B. (2012) Fact sheet: Canopy cover and forest conditions. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Kalies, E.L. (2012) Fact Sheet: Restoration Effects on Small Mammals and their Predators. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Kalies, E.L. and Dickson, B.G. and Chambers, C.L. and Covington, W.W. (2012) Community occupancy responses of small mammals to restoration treatments in ponderosa pine forests, northern Arizona, USA. Ecological Applications, 22 (1). pp. 204-217. ISSN 1051-0761

Mueller, Julie M. (2012) Fact sheet: Estimating Flagstaff residents' willingness to pay for forest restoration in the Lake Mary and Upper Rio de Flag Watersheds: A pilot study. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Roccaforte, John Paul and Laughlin, D.C. and Fule, P.Z. (2012) Fact sheet: Assessing restoration objectives following a second-entry prescribed fire in an unharvested mixed conifer forest. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Shive, Kristen L. (2012) Pre-Fire Treatments Have Persistent Effects on Post-Fire Plant Communities. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Springer, J.D. (2012) Fact sheet: Exotic species management at landscape scales. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Springer, Judith and Egan, Dave (2012) Working paper 25: Strategies for enhancing and restoring rare plants and their habitats in the face of climate change and habitat destruction in the intermountain west. Working Paper. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Springer, Judy (2012) Fact sheet: Conserving rare plants in national parks and protected areas. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Stoddard, Michael (2012) Fact sheet: Herbaceous vegetation responses six years after restoration treatments. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Waltz, A.E.M. (2012) Fact Sheet: Impacts of fire hazard assessment and fuel reduction priorities on mega-fire* outcomes: A hypothetical test using the Wallow Fire in Arizona. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.


Abella, S.R. and Denton, C.W. and Brewer, D. and Robbie, W.A. and Steinke, R.W. and Covington, W.W. (2011) Using a terrestrial ecosystem survey to estimate the historical density of ponderosa pine trees. Other. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.

Egan, D. (2011) Fact sheet: Socio-economic barriers to landscape-scale restoration. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Egan, Dave (2011) Issues in forest restoration: Integrating domestic and wild ungulate grazing into forest restoration plans at the landscape level. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Egan, Dave (2011) Working paper 24: Protecting old trees from prescribed burning. Working Paper. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Fule, Peter Z. and Ramos-Gomez, Mauro and Cortes-Montano, Citlali and Miller, Andrew M. (2011) Fire regime in a Mexican forest under indigenous resource management. Ecological Applications, 21 (3). pp. 764-775. ISSN 1051-0761

Huang, Ching-Hsun (2011) Fact sheet: The economic value of selling carbon credits by restoring the Navajo Nation's tribal forests. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Hunter, Molly (2011) Fact sheet: Methods for estimating surface live fuel loading. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Kalies, E.L. (2011) Fact Sheet: Effects of Restoration on Wildlife Density and Populations. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Kalies, E.L. and Egan, D. (2011) Fact sheet: Systematic reviews and the quality of evidence. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Kurth, V.J. (2011) Long-term effects of stand-replacing wildfires on nutrient cycling and decomposition in southwestern ponderosa pine forests. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Laughlin, Daniel C. and Moore, Margaret M. and Fule, Peter Z. (2011) A century of increasing pine density and associated shifts in understory plant strategies. Ecology, 92 (3). pp. 556-561. ISSN 0012-9658

Peppin, D.L. and Fule, P.Z. and Beyers, J.L. and Sieg, C.H. and Hunter, M.E. (2011) Fact sheet: Evidence-based restoration systematic review: Effectiveness of post-wildfire seeding in western U.S. forests. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Peppin, Donna and Fule, Peter and Beyers, Jan and Sieg, Carolyn and Hunter, Molly (2011) Systematic Review – Final: Does seeding after severe forest fires in western USA mitigate negative impacts on soils and plant communities. Other. Collaboration for Environmental Evidence.

Roccaforte, John Paul and Fule, Peter and Chancellor, Walker and Laughlin, Daniel (2011) Fact sheet: Post-wildfire fuels and regeneration dynamics. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Stacey, C. J. and Springer, A. E. and Stevens, L. E. (2011) Systematic Review – Final: Have arid land springs restoration projects been effective in restoring hydrology, geomorphology, and invertebrates and plant species composition comparable to natural springs with minimal anthropogenic disturbance? Other. Collaboration for Environmental Evidence.

Stevens, B. (2011) Cutting-edge jobs supported by old wood on Navajo Reservation. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Stevens, B. (2011) Millions of Excess Trees Fuel Catastrophic Wildfires. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Stoddard, Michael (2011) Fact sheet: Compilation of historical forest structural characteristics across the Southern Colorado Plateau. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Vosick, Diane (2011) Fact sheet: ERI proposed program of work in response to the Wallow Fire: The proposed actions are based on recent lessons learned. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Vosick, Diane (2011) Fact sheet: Lessons learned from the Wallow Fire (ERI). Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Yocom, L (2011) Influence of climate and local factors on fire in high-elevation forests of Mexico. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.


Abella, Scott R. and Denton, Charles W. and Brewer, David G. and Robbie, Wayne A. and Steinke, Rory W. and Covington, W. Wallace (2010) Fact sheet: Using a terrestrial ecosystem survey to estimate the historical density of ponderosa pine trees in northern Arizona. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Coquia, K.P. (2010) ERI Fall 2010 Newsletter. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Egan, D. (2010) Fact sheet: Canopy cover and canopy closure. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Egan, D. (2010) Fact sheet: Ecological restoration as economic stimulus II. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Egan, D. (2010) Fact sheet: Restoring forests in a complex place through collaboration: The Applegate Partnership and Watershed Council, The Ecological Restoration Institute, and The Nature Conservancy Fire Learning Network. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Egan, D. (2010) Fact sheet: Spatial pattern terms comparison. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Egan, D. (2010) Fact sheet: The Ecological Restoration Institute and the Public Lands Institute will use terrestrial ecosystem surveys to assess potential landscape-scale treatments in Arizona and Nevada. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Huang, Ching-Hsun and Sorensen, Christopher (2010) Issues in forest restoration: Exploring the potential of obtaining carbon credits for restoration activities on Navajo tribal forest lands. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Huffman, D.W. (2010) Fact sheet: Dead wood plays important roles in pinyon-juniper woodland recovery after wildfire. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Hurteau, Matthew and Stoddard, Michael and Fule, Peter (2010) Fact sheet: Carbon costs of mitigating high-severity wildfires. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Kalies, Elizabeth L. (2010) The Effects of Forest Management on Small Mammal Community Dynamics in Southwestern Ponderosa Pine Ecosystems. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Kalies, Elizabeth L. and Chambers, Carol L. (2010) Working paper 23: Guidelines for managing small mammals in restored ponderosa pine forests of northern Arizona. Working Paper. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Kalies, Elizabeth L. and Covington, Wally and Chambers, Carol and Rosenstock, Steven (2010) Systematic Review – Final: How do thinning and burning treatments in southwestern conifer forests in the United States affect wildlife density and population performance? Other. Collaboration for Environmental Evidence.

McGlone, Christopher M (2010) Cheatgrass - Native plant community interactions in an invaded southwestern forest. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Moseley, C. and Davis, E.J. (2010) Stewardship contracting for landscape-scale projects. Technical Report. University of Oregon, Eugene, OR.

Springer, A.E. (2010) Review Protocol – Final: Have arid land springs restoration projects been effective in restoring hydrology, geomorphology, and invertebrates and plant species composition comparable to natural springs with minimal anthropogenic disturbance? Other. Collaboration for Environmental Evidence.

Springer, Judith and McGlone, C.M. and Leppert, J.J. (2010) Review Protocol – Final: Do non-native plants invade burned ponderosa pine forests more intensely after prescribed or wild fires? Other. Collaboration for Environmental Evidence.

Stevens, B. (2010) Beetle Mania Rocks Northern Arizona Lab. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Stevens, B. (2010) Foresters take Payson Residents and Visitors on a Walk in the Woods. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Stevens, B. (2010) Healthy Forests create Healthier Economies. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Stevens, B. (2010) Historic agreement boosts forest health. Northern Arizona University.

Stevens, B. (2010) New plant field guide out this spring. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Stevens, B. (2010) Stakeholder Group Reaches Agreement in Historic Forest Restoration Effort. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Thode, Andrea and Hunter, Molly (2010) Consortium fires up information exchange between land mangers and scientists for healthier, safer ecosystems. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.


Allen, J.A. and Ramstead, K. and Springer, A.E. (2009) Systematic Review Protocol – Final: Have wet meadow restoration projects in the Southwestern U.S. been effective in restoring hydrology, geomorphology, soils, and plant species composition to conditions comparable to wet meadows with minimal human-induced disturbance? Other. Collaboration for Environmental Evidence.

Egan, D. (2009) Fact sheet: Ecological restoration as economic stimulus. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Egan, D. (2009) Fact sheet: Forest restoration and carbon sequestration. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Egan, D. (2009) Fact sheet: Southwestern Ecological Restoration Institutes (SWERI). Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Egan, Dave and Seidenberg, Joseph (2009) Issues in forest restoration: Carbon credits for restored western dry forests? Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Evans, A. M. and Finkral, A. J. (2009) From renewable energy to fire risk reduction: a synthesis of biomass harvesting and utilization case studies in US forests. GCB Bioenergy, 1. pp. 211-219. ISSN 1757-1707

Greco, B. (2009) Fact sheet: Forest resource assessment. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Hurteau, M.D. and North, M. (2009) Fuel treatment effects on tree-based forest carbon storage and emissions under modeled wildfire scenarios. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 7. pp. 409-414. ISSN 1540-9295

Peppin, D.L. (2009) Evidence-based Review of Seeding in Post-fire Rehabilitation and Native Plant Market Feasibility. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Roccaforte, John Paul and Fule, Peter Z. and Covington, W. Wallace (2009) Assessing changes in canopy fuels and potential fire behavior following ponderosa pine restoration. Fire Management Today, 69 (2). pp. 47-50. ISSN 1554-8996

Seidenberg, Joseph and Springer, Judy and Nicolet, Tessa and Battaglia, Mike and Votja, Christina (2009) Issues in forest restoration: Southwest ecological restoration institutes (SWERI) biophysical monitoring workshop report. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Solop, Frederic I. and Hagen, Kristi K. and Mottek-Lucas, Anne (2009) Ecological Restoration Institute forest restoration training survey. Technical Report. NAU Social Research Laboratory, Flagstaff, United States.

Stella, Kenneth A. (2009) Effects and Effectiveness of Seeding Following High-Severity Wildfires in Northern Arizona Ponderosa Pine Forests. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Stevens, B. (2009) Ecological Restoration Pioneer to Receive Prestigious Award. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Stevens, B. (2009) Mutating rabies virus puts extra scare in bat researchers. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

USDA Forest Service, Southwestern Region (2009) Southwest Ecological Restoration Institutes (SWERI) five year evaluation report. Technical Report. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.


Abella, S.R. (2008) Gambel Oak Growth Forms: Management Opportunities for Increasing Ecosystem Diversity. Technical Report. USDA Forest Service, Fort Collins, US.

Abella, S.R. (2008) Managing Gambel oak in southwestern ponderosa pine forests: The status of our knowledge. Technical Report. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, US.

Abella, Scott R. and Fule, Peter Z. (2008) Fire effects on gambel oak in southwestern ponderosa pine-oak forests. RMRS-RN-34.

Abella, Scott R. and Fule, Peter Z. (2008) Changes in Gambel oak densities in southwestern ponderosa pine forests since Euro-American settlement. Technical Report. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, US.

Abella, Scott R. and Fule, Peter Z. (2008) Fire effects on Gambel oak in southwestern ponderosa pine-oak forests. Technical Report. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research, Fort Collins, US.

Abella, Scott R. and Springer, Judith D. (2008) Estimating soil seed bank characteristics in ponderosa pine forests using vegetation and forest-floor data. Technical Report. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, US.

Bakker, Jonathan D. and Moore, Margaret M. and Laughlin, Daniel C. (2008) The hill plots: a rare long-term vegetation study. In: Fort Valley Experimental Forest—A Century of Research 1908-2008. Proceedings RMRS-P-53CD. US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, CO, pp. 148-157.

Bakker, Jonathan D. and Sanchez-Meador, Andrew J. and Fule, Peter Z. and Huffman, David W. and Moore, Margaret M. (2008) "Growing trees backwards": Description of a stand reconstruction model. In: Fort Valley Experimental Forest - A Century of Research 1908-2008 Conference Proceedings.

Brewer, D. (2008) Fact Sheet: Accounting For Watershed and Other Resource Values Consideration in the Nepa Analysis. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Brewer, D. (2008) Working Paper 21: Managing Coarse Woody Debris in Fire-adapted Southwestern Forests. Working Paper. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Chancellor, W. Walker and Huffman, David W. and Moore, Margaret M. (2008) Characteristics of buckbrush shrubs exposed to herbivores after seven years of protection. Technical Report. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.

Coquia, K.P. (2008) ERI Fall 2008 Newsletter. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Coquia, Krista (2008) ERI Spring 2008 Newsletter. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Coquia, Krista (2008) ERI Winter 2008 Newsletter. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

De Blois, Benjamin P. and Finkral, Alex J. and Sanchez-Meador, Andrew J. and Moore, Margaret M. (2008) Early thinning experiments established by the Fort Valley Experimental Forest. In: Fort Valley Experimental Forest - A Century of Research 1908-2008 Conference Proceedings (RMRS-P-55), August 7-9, 2008, Flagstaff, AZ.

Dyer, Jacob H. and Sanchez-Meador, Andrew J. and Moore, Margaret M. and Bakker, Jonathan D. (2008) Forest structure and tree recruitment changes on a permanent historical Cinder Hills plot over a 130-Year Period. In: Fort Valley Experimental Forest - A Century of Research 1908-2008 Conference Proceedings (RMRS-P-53CD), August 7-9, 2008, Flagstaff, AZ.

Egan, Dave (2008) Working paper 22: Restoring spatial pattern to southwestern ponderosa pine forests. Working Paper. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Fule, P.Z. and Roccaforte, J.P. and Crouse, J.E. (2008) Review Protocol – Final: Do thinning and/or burning treatments on ponderosa pine and related forests in western USA produce restoration of natural fire behaviour? Other. Collaboration for Environmental Evidence.

Fule, Peter and Yocom Kent, Larissa and Montano, Citlali (2008) Interaction of fire, climate, and forest structure in Northern Mexico. NAU Global: A Publication of the Center for International Education, Fall (2008). p. 3.

Hampton, Haydee M. and Sesnie, Steven E. and Dickson, Brett G. and Rundall, Jill M. and Sisk, Thomas D. and Snider, Gary B. and Bailey, John D. (2008) Analysis of small-diameter wood supply in northern Arizona - Final report. Technical Report. Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, United States.

Huffman, David W. and Moore, Margaret M. (2008) Dynamics of buckbrush populations under simulated forest restoration alternatives. In: Fort Valley Experimental Forest - A Century of Research 1908-2008 Conference Proceedings (RMRS-P-53CD), August 7-9, 2008, Flagstaff, AZ.

Huffman, David W. and Stoddard, Michael T. and Fule, Peter Z. and Covington, W. Wallace and Smith, H.B. (2008) A demonstration project to test ecological restoration of a pinyon-juniper ecosystem. Technical Report. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, US.

Moote, M.A. and Lowe, K. (2008) Issues in Forest Restoration: What to Expect from Collaboration in Natural Resource Management: A Research Synthesis for Practitioners. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Sanchez-Meador, Andrew J. and Moore, Margaret M. (2008) 93 years of stand density and land-use legacy research at the Coulter Ranch Study Site. In: Fort Valley Experimental Forest - A Century of Research 1908-2008 Conference Proceedings (RMRS-P-53CD), August 7-9, 2008, Flagstaff, AZ.

Tuten, Matthew C. (2008) Comparing Ecological Restoration and Northern Goshawk Managment Guidelines Treatments in a Southwestern Ponderosa Pine Forest. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.


Abella, S.R. and Covington, W.W. (2007) Forest-floor treatments in Arizona ponderosa pine restoration ecosystems: No short-term effects on plant communities. Western North American Naturalist, 67 (1). pp. 120-132. ISSN 1527-0904

Abella, Scott R. and Covington, W. Wallace and Fule, Peter Z. and Lentile, Leigh B. and Meador, Andrew J. Sánchez and Morgan, Penelope (2007) Past, present, and future old growth in frequent-fire conifer forests of the Western United States. Ecology and Society, 12 (2). 16 [online]. ISSN 1708-3087

Abrams, J.B. and Burns, S. (2007) Issues in Forest Restoration: Case Study of a Community Stewardship Success: The White Mountain Stewardship Contract. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Aumack, E. and Covington, W.W. (2007) Statewide strategy for restoring Arizona's forests: Sustainable forests, communities, and economies. Technical Report. UNSPECIFIED, Phoenix, AZ.

Bakker, Jonathan D. and Moore, Margaret M. (2007) Controls on vegetation structure in southwestern ponderosa pine forests, 1941 and 2004. Ecology, 88 (9). pp. 2305-2319. ISSN 0012-9658

Binkley, Daniel and Sisk, Tom and Chambers, Carol and Springer, Judy and Block, William (2007) The role of old-growth forests in frequent-fire landscapes. Ecology and Society, 12 (2). ISSN 1708-3087

Egan, Dave (2007) Conserving and restoring old growth in frequent-fire forests: Cycles of disruption and recovery. Ecology and Society, 12 (2). pp. 23-27. ISSN 1708-3087

Fule, Peter Z. and Denton, Charlie and Springer, Judy D. and Kalies, Elizabeth L. and Egan, Dave (2007) Working paper 18: Prescribed and wildland use fires in the southwest: Do frequency and timing matter? Working Paper. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Hunter, M.E. and Shepperd, W.D. and Lentile, L.B. and Lundquist, J.E. and Andreu, M.G. and Butler, J.L. and Smith, F.W. (2007) A comprehensive guide to fuels treatment practices for ponderosa pine in the Black Hills, Colorado Front Range, and Southwest. Technical Report. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, US.

James, Michele A. (2007) Working paper 20: Controlling cheatgrass in ponderosa pine and pinyon-juniper restoration areas. Working Paper. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Miller, Cory A. (2007) Analysis of Current and Historical Surface Flows and Hydrologic Response to Restoration Treatments in the Upper Lake Mary Watershed, Arizona. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Minard, Anne and Egan, Dave (2007) Working paper 17: Bat habitat and forest restoration treatments. Working Paper. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Moote, M.A. and Abrams, J.B. and Krasilovsky, E. and Schumann, M. and Savage, M. and Derr, T. (2007) Issues in Forest Restoration: Navigating the Motives and Mandates of Multiparty Monitoring. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Romme, William and Allen, Craig and Bailey, John and Baker, William and Bestelmeyer, Brandon and Brown, Peter and Eisenhart, Karen and Floyd-Hanna, Lisa and Huffman, David and Jacobs, Brian and Miller, Richard and Muldavin, Esteban and Swetnam, Thomas and Tausch, Robin and Weisberg, Peter (2007) Historical and modern disturbance regimes of pinon-juniper vegetation in the Western U.S. Technical Report. Colorado Forest Restoration Institute; The Nature Conservancy.

Springer, Judy and Egan, Dave (2007) Working paper 19: Understory seeding in southwestern forests following wildfire and ecological restoration treatments. Working Paper. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Vosick, Diane and Ostergren, David M. and Murfitt, Lucy (2007) Old-growth Policy. Ecology and Society, 12 (2). ISSN 1708-3087


Covington, W.W. (2006) Evidence-based approaches in conservation. In: ERI Powerpoint Presentation.

Cram, D. and Baker, T. and Boren, J. (2006) Wildland fire effects in silviculturally treated vs. untreated stands of New Mexico and Arizona. Technical Report. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, US.

Daly, C. and Moseley, C. and Moote, M.A. and Enzer, M. (2006) Issues in Forest Restoration: Forest Service Contracting: A Basic Guide for Restoration Practitioners. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Friederici, P.G. (2006) Fact Sheet: How Much Is Forest Restoration Worth? An Example from Southwestern Ponderosa Pine Forests. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Friederici, P.G. (2006) Fact Sheet: Understanding Fire and Fire Behavior. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Friederici, P.G. (2006) Fact sheet: Restoring the ecological and social integrity of western forests. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Friederici, Peter (2006) Fact sheet: Forest restoration treatments and fire behavior. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Huffman, David W. (2006) Production, losses, and germination of Ceanothus Fendleri seeds in an Arizona ponderosa pine forest. Western North American Naturalist, 66 (3). pp. 365-373. ISSN 1527-0904

Huffman, David W. and Fule, Peter Z. and Pearson, Kristen M. and Crouse, Joseph E. and Covington, W. Wallace (2006) Pinyon-juniper fire regime: Natural range of variability. Technical Report. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute, Flagstaff, United States.

Huffman, David W. and Stoddard, Michael T. and McGlone, Christopher M. and Fule, Peter Z. and Covington, W. Wallace (2006) Ecosystem restoration: Final report for Assistance Agreement No. PAA 017002, Task Order No. AAW040001. Technical Report. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Kaufmann, M.R. and Veblen, T.T. and Romme, W.H. (2006) Historical fire regimes in ponderosa pine forests of the Colorado Front Range, and recommendations for ecological restoration and fuels management. Technical Report. UNSPECIFIED.

Kuenzi, Amanda M. (2006) Pre-fire Treatment Effects and Understory Plant Community Response on the Rodeo-chediski Fire, Arizona. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Lowe, K. (2006) Working Paper 15: Effects of Forest Thinning Treatments on Fire Behavior. Working Paper. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Lowe, K. (2006) Working Paper 16: Snags and Forest Restoration. Working Paper. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Minard, Anne and Peterson, Chance and Vosick, Diane and Egan, Dave (2006) Backyard wildlife habitat and fire safety: A guide for residents of Flagstaff. Technical Report. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute, Flagstaff, United States.

Noss, Reed F. and Friederici, Peter (2006) Issues in forest restoration: Integrating ecological restoration and conservation biology: a case study from Southwestern ponderosa pine forests. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Ostergren, D.M. (2006) Issues in Forest Restoration: Wilderness Management and the Restoration of Fire: An Analysis of Laws and Regulations in Northern Arizona. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Pilliod, D.S. and Bull, E.L. and Hayes, J.L. and Wales, B.C. (2006) Wildlife and invertebrate response to fuel reduction treatments in dry coniferous forests of the Western United States: A synthesis. Technical Report. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, US.

Rudeen, A. (2006) Issue in Forest Restoration: Communications between Forest Managers and Property Owners in Pine Flats, Arizona: A Case Study of Community Interactions in a High Fire Hazard Area. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Sanchez Meador, Andrew Joel (2006) Modeling spatial and temporal changes of ponderosa pine forests in northern Arizona since Euro-American settlement. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Savage, Melissa and Derr, Tori and Schumann, Martha and Abrams, Jesse (2006) Monitoring ecological effects. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Springer, Abraham E. and Amentt, Melissa A. and Kolb, Thomas E. and Mullen, Regina M. (2006) Evapotranspiration of two vegetation communities in a high-elevation riparian meadow at Hart Prairie, Arizona. Water Resources Research, 42 (3). W03412-W03412. ISSN 0043-1397

Stoddard, Michael Todd (2006) Slash additions: A tool for restoring herbaceous communities in degraded pinyon-juniper woodlands. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.


Abella, S.R. (2005) Environmental and vegetational gradients on an Arizona ponderosa pine landscape: Implications for ecological restoration. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Abrams, J. and Lowe, K. (2005) Issues in Forest Restoration: Public perceptions of forest restoration in the southwest: A synthesis of selected surveys and literature. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Abrams, J.B. and Viers, J.A. and Daniels, M.L. (2005) Southwest Ecological Restoration Institutes: Working Together to Restore Ecological and Community Health. In: ERI Poster Presentation.

Bakker, J.D. (2005) Long-term vegetation dynamics of ponderosa pine forests. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Bakker, Jonathan D. and Moore, Margaret M. and Covington, W. Wallace (2005) Long-term vegetation studies in the southwest. Technical Report. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute, Flagstaff, United States.

Barnes, Ethan M. (2005) Smoke, Risk, and Intergenerational Equity in Flagstaff, Arizonas Wildland-Urban Interface. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Beyers, J.L. and Brown, J.K. and Busse, M.D. and DeBano, L.F. and Elliot, W.J. and Ffolliott, P.F. and Jacoby, G.R. and Knoepp, J.D. and Landsberg, J.D. and Neary, D.G. and Reardon, J.R. and Rinne, J.N. and Robichaud, P.R. and Ryan, K.C. and Tiedemann, A.R. and Zwolinksi, M.J. (2005) Wildland fire in ecosystems: Effects of fire on soil and water. Technical Report. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Ogden, Utah.

Covington, W. Wallace and Vosick, Diane J. and Lowe, Kimberly A. (2005) Southwest fire initiative final report: December 31, 2005. Technical Report. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute, Flagstaff, United States.

Crouse, Joseph Edward (2005) Fuels and fire behavior modeling using remotely sensed data on the San Francisco Peaks, Arizona. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Derr, T. (2005) Collaborative Forest Restoration Program monitoring curriculum: Background and activities for ecological monitoring. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute, Flagstaff, United States.

Derr, T. and Moote, M.A. and Savage, M. and Schumann, M. and Abrams, J.B. and McCarthy, L. and Lowe, K. (2005) Monitoring Handbook 1: What is multiparty monitoring? NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Derr, T. and Moote, M.A. and Savage, M. and Schumann, M. and Abrams, J.B. and McCarthy, L. and Lowe, K. (2005) Monitoring Handbook 2: Developing a multiparty monitoring plan. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute, Flagstaff, United States.

Derr, T. and Moote, M.A. and Savage, M. and Schumann, M. and Abrams, J.B. and McCarthy, L. and Lowe, K. (2005) Monitoring Handbook 4: Monitoring ecological effects. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute, Flagstaff, United States.

Derr, T. and Moote, M.A. and Savage, M. and Schumann, M. and Abrams, J.B. and McCarthy, L. and Lowe, K. (2005) Monitoring Handbook 5: Monitoring social and economic effects of forest restoration. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute, Flagstaff, United States.

Friederici, Peter and Sanchez Meador, Andrew (2005) Working paper 09: Restoration of ponderosa pine forests to presettlement conditions. Working Paper. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

James, Michele A. (2005) Working paper 14: Integrating forest restoration treatments with Mexican spotted owl habitat needs. Working Paper. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Kaye, Jason P. and Hart, Stephen C. and Fule, Peter Z. and Covington, W. Wallace and Moore, Margaret M. and Kaye, Margot W. (2005) Initial carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus fluxes following ponderosa pine restoration treatments. Ecological Applications, 15 (5). pp. 1581-1593. ISSN 1051-0761

Lowe, K. (2005) Working Paper 10: The Stand Treatment Impacts on Forest Health (STIFH) Model. Working Paper. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Lowe, K. (2005) Working Paper 12: Restoring Forest Roads. Working Paper. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Lowe, K. (2005) Working Paper 13: Treating Slash after Restoration Thinning. Working Paper. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Lowe, K. and Moote, M.A. (2005) Working Paper 11: Collaboration as a Tool in Forest Restoration. Working Paper. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Lowe, K. and Moote, M.A. and Derr, T. and Savage, M. and Ranger-Moore, J. and Abrams, J.B. (2005) Monitoring Handbook 6: Analyzing and interpreting monitoring data. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute, Flagstaff, United States.

Roccaforte, John Paul (2005) Monitoring landscape-scale forest structure and potential fire behavior changes following ponderosa pine restoration treatments. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Strom, Barbara A. (2005) Pre-fire treatment effects and post-fire forest dynamics on the Rodeo-Chediski burn area, Arizona. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Sturtevant, V. and Moote, M.A. and Jakes, P. and Cheng, A.S. (2005) Social science to improve fuels management: A synthesis of research on collaboration. Technical Report. USDA Forest Service, North Central Research Station.

Thurston, E.R. (2005) Native and non-native plant seedlings of Northern Arizona. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute, Flagstaff, United States.

Van Horne, Megan L. (2005) Comparing Methods of Reconstructing Fire History Using Fire Scars in a Southwestern Ponderosa Pine Forest. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Viers, J.A. (2005) Issues in Forest Restoration: Forestlands health and carbon sequestration - Strengthening the case for Western forest restoration. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Viers, J.A. (2005) Issues in Forest Restoration: Smoke from prescribed burning - Issues on public forestlands of the Western United States. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.


Cooley, Nicolette (2004) Understanding traditional knowledge for ecological restoration: A qualitative study with the eastern band of Cherokee and Southern Appalachian community members. NAU School of Forestry.

Friederici, Peter (2004) Working paper 07: Establishing reference conditions for southwestern ponderosa pine forests. Working Paper. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Gottfried, G.J. (2004) Silvics and silviculture in the southwestern pinyon-juniper woodlands. In: Silviculture in special places: Proceedings of the National Silviculture Workshop (RMRS-P-34), September 8-11, 2003, Granby, CO.

Greater Flagstaff Forests Partnership and Ponderosa Fire Advisory Council (2004) Community wildfire protection plan for Flagstaff and surrounding communities in the Coconino and Kaibab National Forests of Coconino County, Arizona. Greater Flagstaff Forests Partnership and Ponderosa Fire Advisory Council, Flagstaff, United States.

Harding, K. (2004) Working Paper 08: Controlling Invasive Species as Part of Restoration Treatments. Working Paper. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Long, R.F. (2004) Kirk Smith Memorial Scholarship Fund to help ERI students. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute, Flagstaff, United States.

Minard, Anne and Friederici, Peter (2004) Restoring native plants and landscapes: A guide for residents of southwestern ponderosa pine forests. Technical Report. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute, Flagstaff, United States.

Moore, Margaret M. and Bakker, Jonathan D. and Sanchez-Meador, Andrew J. and Bell, David M. and Fule, Peter Z. and Parysow, Pablo F. and Covington, W. Wallace and Huffman, David W. (2004) Quantifying forest reference conditions for ecological restoration: The Woolsey Plots. Technical Report. UNSPECIFIED.

Moote, M.A. (2004) Multiple Party Monitoring in New Mexico. Communities and Forests, 8 (3).

Stevens, B. (2004) At Risk Community Leads West in Action Against Wildfire. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Stevens, B. (2004) NAU student honored twice as student employee of the year. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Stevens, B. (2004) Spring 2004 - Regaining Lost Ground: Ecological Restoration News. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Stevens, B. (2004) Summer 2004 - Regaining Lost Ground: Ecological Restoration News. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Stevens, B. (2004) Winter 2004 - Regaining Lost Ground: Ecological Restoration News. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Stevens, B. (2004) The power of fungi. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.


Brown, J.K. and Reinhardt, E.D. and Kramer, K.A. (2003) Coarse woody debris: Managing benefits and fire hazard in the recovering forest. Technical Report. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Ogden, Utah.

Cortner, H.J. and Field, D.R. and Jakes, P. and Buthman, J.D. (2003) Humans, Fires, and Forests: Social science applied to fire management: workshop summary, Tucson, Arizona, January 28-31, 2003. Technical Report. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute, Flagstaff, United States.

Cortner, H.J. and Teich, G.M.R. and Vaughn, J. (2003) Analyzing USDA Forest Service Appeals: Phase I, the Database. Technical Report. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Cortner, H.J. and Vaughn, J. and Teich, G.M.R. (2003) Designing a framework for evaluating the impacts and outcomes of Forest Service appeals. Technical Report. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute, Flagstaff, United States.

Covington, W. Wallace (2003) Congressional testimony at the senate committee on energy and natural resources hearing on forest health problems in the national forests, July 22, 2003 in Washington, DC. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute, http://www.eri.nau.edu.

Covington, W.W. (2003) Congressional testimony at the House Subcommittee on Forests and Forest Health oversight hearing on the crisis on the national forests: containing the threat of wildland fire on the environment and communities, March 7, 2003 in Flagstaff, AZ. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute, Flagstaff, AZ.

Friederici, Peter (2003) Working paper 04: Fuels treatments and forest restoration: An analysis of benefits. Working Paper. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Fule, P.Z. and Bakker, J.D. and Rosenstock, S.S. (2003) Technical reference: Seventh biennial conference of research on the Colorado Plateau. Other. UNSPECIFIED.

Huffman, D.W. (2003) Population ecology of Fendler ceanothus: responses to herbivory and forest restoration treatments. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Kerns, Becky K. and Moore, Margaret M. and Timpson, Michael E and Hart, Stephen C. (2003) Soil properties associated with vegetation patches in a pinus ponderosa bunchgrass mosaic. Western North American Naturalist, 63 (4). pp. 452-462. ISSN 1527-0904

Minard, A.E. (2003) Working Paper 05: Limiting Damage to Forest Soils During Restoration. Working Paper. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Minard, A.E. (2003) Working Paper 06: Butterflies as Indicators of Restoration Progress. Working Paper. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Moote, M.A. and Becker, D. (2003) Exploring barriers to collaborative forestry: Report from a workshop held at Hart Prairie, Flagstaff, Arizona, September 17-19, 2003. Technical Report. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute, Flagstaff, United States.

Moote, M.A. and Loucks, A.B. (2003) Policy Challenges for Collaborative Forestry: A Summary of Previous Findings and Suggestions. Other. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Sink, Scott E. (2003) Photographic Guide to Pinyon and Juniper Tree Maturity Classes. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Snider, G.B. and Wood, D.B. and Daugherty, P.J. (2003) Analysis of costs and benefits of restoration-based hazardous fuel reduction, treatments vs. no treatment: Progress report #1 June 13, 2003. Technical Report. NAU School of Forestry, Flagstaff, United States.

Stevens, B. (2003) Conference Features Computer Games that Highlight Most at Risk Forest Areas. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Stevens, B. (2003) Fall 2003 - Regaining Lost Ground: Ecological Restoration News. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Stevens, B. (2003) Spring 2003 - Regaining Lost Ground: Ecological Restoration News. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Stevens, B. (2003) Summer 2003 - Regaining Lost Ground: Ecological Restoration News. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Vosick, D. J. (2003) Senator Jon Kyl announces $2 million allocation for NAUs Ecological Restoration Institute. NAU Office of Public Affairs.

Waskiewicz, Justin D. (2003) Snags and Partial Snags in Managed, Relict, and Restored Ponderosa Pine Forests of the Southwest. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.


Allen, Craig D. and Savage, Melissa and Falk, Donald A. and Suckling, Kieran F. and Swetnam, Thomas W. and Schulke, Todd and Stacey, Peter B. and Morgan, Penelope and Hoffman, Martos and Klingel, Jon T. (2002) Ecological restoration of southwestern ponderosa pine ecosystems: A broad perspective. Ecological Applications, 12 (5). pp. 1418-1433. ISSN 1051-0761

Chambers, Carol L. (2002) Forest Management and the Dead Wood Resource in Ponderosa Pine Forests: Effects on Small Mammals. Technical Report. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station.

Covington, W.W. (2002) Congressional testimony at hearing to discuss the President's healthy forests: An initiative for wildfire prevention and stronger communities, September 5, 2002. Technical Report. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Covington, W.W. (2002) Congressional testimony at the House Resources Committee hearing to discuss the president's healthy forests: An initiative for wildfire prevention and stronger communities, September 5, 2002 in Washington, DC. Technical Report. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Covington, W.W. (2002) Congressional testimony at the House Subcommittee on Forests and Forest Health Field Hearing on interagency cooperation in wildland fire fighting, September 28, 2002 in Show Low, AZ. Technical Report. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Covington, W.W. (2002) Congressional testimony at the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources hearing on additional funds for wildland firefighting and forest restoration as well as ongoing implementation of the National Fire Plan, July 16, 2002 in Washington, DC. Technical Report. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Crouse, Joseph E. and Fule, Peter Z. (2002) Species and canopy cover map development using Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper imagery for Grand Canyon National Park. Technical Report. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute and School of Forestry, Flagstaff, United States.

Ffolliott, P.F. and Gottfried, G.J. (2002) Dynamics of a pinyon-juniper stand in northern Arizona: a half-century history. Other. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, http://www.fs.fed.us/rmrs/.

Friederici, P.G. (2002) Working paper 01: Restoring the Uinkaret Mountains: Operational lessons and adaptive management practices. Working Paper. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Friederici, P.G. (2002) Working paper 02: Understory plant community restoration in the Uinkaret Mountains, Arizona. Working Paper. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Huffman, David W. (2002) A seed chalcid (Eurytoma squamosa Bugbee) parasitizes buckbrush (Ceanothus fendleri Gray) seeds in a ponderosa pine forest of Arizona. Western North American Naturalist, 62 (4). pp. 474-478. ISSN 1527-0904

Keane, R.E. and Ryan, K.C. and Veblen, T.T. and Allen, C.D. and Logan, J. and Hawkes, B. (2002) Cascading effects of fire exclusion in Rocky Mountain ecosystems: a literature review. Other. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, CO.

Minard, A.E. (2002) Working Paper 03: Protecting Old Trees from Prescribed Fire. Working Paper. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Minard, A.E. and Friederici, P.G. and Edwards, E.R. (2002) Forest restoration for homeowners: A guide for residents of southwestern ponderosa pine forests. Technical Report. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute, Flagstaff, United States.

Stevens, B. (2002) Anniversary of Mount Elden Fire Serves as Reminder of Catastrophic Fires Long-term Impacts. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Stevens, B. (2002) Fall 2002 - Regaining Lost Ground: Ecological Restoration News. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Stevens, B. (2002) Spring 2002 - Regaining Lost Ground: Ecological Restoration News. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Stevens, B. (2002) Summer 2002 - Regaining Lost Ground: Ecological Restoration News. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.


Fule, P.Z. and McHugh, C. and Heinlein, T.A. and Covington, W.W. (2001) Potential fire behavior is reduced following forest restoration treatments. In: Ponderosa pine ecosystems restoration and conservation: steps toward stewardship (RMRS-P-22), April 25-27, 2000, Flagstaff, AZ.

Fule, Peter Z. and Springer, Judith D. and Huffman, David W. and Covington, W. Wallace (2001) Response of a rare endemic, Penstemon clutei, to burning and reduced belowground competition. Technical Report. USDA Forest Service Proceedings, Fort Collins, US.

Huffman, David W. and Moore, Margaret M. and Covington, W. Wallace and Crouse, Joseph E. and Fule, Peter Z. (2001) Ponderosa pine forest reconstruction: Comparisons with historical data. In: Ponderosa pine ecosystems restoration and conservation: steps toward stewardship (RMRS-P-22), April 25-27, 2000, Flagstaff, AZ.

Kaufmann, G.A. and Covington, W.W. (2001) Effect of prescribed burning on mortality of presettlement ponderosa pines in Grand Canyon National Park. In: Ponderosa pine ecosystems restoration and conservation: steps toward stewardship (RMRS-P-22), April 25-27, 2000, Flagstaff, AZ.

Knox, S.C. and Chambers, C.L. and Germaine, S.S. (2001) Habitat associations of the sagebrush lizard (Sceloporus graciosus): Potential responses of an ectotherm to ponderosa pine forest restoration treatments. In: Ponderosa pine ecosystems restoration and conservation: steps toward stewardship (RMRS-P-22), April 25-27, 2000, Flagstaff, AZ.

Kolb, Thomas E. and Fule, Peter Z. and Wagner, Michael R. and Covington, W. Wallace (2001) Six-year changes in mortality and crown condition of old-growth pondersoa pines in ecological restoration treatments at the G.A. Pearson Natural Area. In: Ponderosa pine ecosystems restoration and conservation: steps toward stewardship (RMRS-P-22), April 25-27, 2000, Flagstaff, AZ.

Korb, J.E. (2001) Understory plant community dynamics in southwestern ponderosa pine forest restoration. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Korb, J.E. and Johnson, N.C. and Covington, W.W. (2001) Effect of restoration thinning on mycorrhizal fungal propagules in a northern Arizona ponderosa pine forest: Preliminary results. In: Ponderosa pine ecosystems restoration and conservation: steps toward stewardship (RMRS-P-22), April 25-27, 2000, Flagstaff, AZ.

Larson, Debra and Mirth, Richard (2001) Projected economic impacts of a 16-Inch tree cutting cap for ponderosa pine forests within the greater Flagstaff urban-wildlands. In: USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-22, Flagstaff, AZ.

Loeser, Matthew R. and Sisk, Thomas D. and Crewse, Timothy E. (2001) Plant community responses to livestock grazing: an assessment of alternative management practices in a semi-arid grassland. In: Ponderosa pine ecosystems restoration and conservation: steps toward stewardship (RMRS-P-22), April 25-27, 2000, Flagstaff, AZ.

Springer, Judith D. and Waltz, Amy E.M. and Fule, Peter Z. and Moore, Margaret M. and Covington, W. Wallace (2001) Seeding versus natural regeneration: a comparison of vegetation change following thinning and burning in ponderosa pine. In: Ponderosa pine ecosystems restoration and conservation: steps toward stewardship (RMRS-P-22), April 25-27, 2000, Flagstaff, AZ.

Stevens, B. (2001) Fall 2001 - Regaining Lost Ground: Ecological Restoration News. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Stevens, B. (2001) Spring 2001 - Regaining Lost Ground: Ecological Restoration News. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Stevens, B. (2001) Summer 2001 - Regaining Lost Ground: Ecological Restoration News. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Vance, R.K. and Edminster, C.B. and Covington, W.W. and Blake, J.A. (2001) Ponderosa pine ecosystems restoration and conservation: Steps toward stewardship. In: Rocky Mountain Research Station Conference Proceedings (RMRS-P-22), April 25-27, 2000, Ogden, UT.

Waltz, A.E.M. and Covington, W.W. (2001) Butterfly response and successional change following ecosystem restoration. In: Ponderosa pine ecosystems restoration and conservation: steps toward stewardship (RMRS-P-22), April 25-27, 2000, Flagstaff, AZ.

Waltz, Amy E. M. (2001) Butterfly response to ponderosa pine restoration and the efficacy of butterflies as indicators of pollinators. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.


Covington, W.W (2000) Congressional testimony at the House Subcommittee on Forests and Forest Health Oversight hearing on preventing wildfires through proper management of the national forests, August 14, 2000 in Albuquerque, NM. Technical Report. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Ffolliott, P.F. and Baker, M.B. and Gottfried, G.J. (2000) Heavy thinning of ponderosa pine stands: an Arizona case study (Research Paper/RMRS–RP–22). Other. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, CO.

Fule, Peter Z. and Heinlein, Thomas A. and Covington, W. Wallace and Moore, Margaret M. (2000) Continuing fire regimes in remote forest of Grand Canyon National Park. In: Wilderness science in a time of change conference-Volume 5: Wilderness ecosystems, threats, and management (RMRS-P-15-VOL-5), May 23-27, 1999, Missoula, MT.

Heinlein, Thomas A. and Covington, W. Wallace and Fule, Peter Z. and Moore, Margaret M. and Smith, Hiram B. (2000) Development of ecological restoration experiments in fire adapted forests at Grand Canyon National Park. In: Wilderness science in a time of change conference-Volume 5: Wilderness ecosystems, threats, and management, May 23-27, 1999, Missoula, MT.

Southwest Forest Alliance, B.C. (2000) Why the Flagstaff restoration model should not be applied to public forest lands. Technical Report. Southwest Forest Alliance.

Stevens, B. (2000) Spring 2000 - Regaining Lost Ground: Ecological Restoration News. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.


Covington, W. and Fule, P. and Moore, M. and Smith, H. and Waltz, A. and Heinlein, T. (1999) Ecological restoration marking guidelines for ponderosa pine restoration areas. Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, United States.

Covington, W. Wallace and Heinlein, Thomas A. and Fule, Peter Z. and Waltz, Amy E. M. and Springer, Judith D. (1999) Changes in ponderosa pine forests of the Mt. Trumbull Wilderness. Technical Report. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute, Flagstaff, United States.

Covington, W.W. and Niering, W.A. and Starkey, E. and Walker, J. (1999) Ecosystem restoration and management: Scientific principles and concepts. Other. UNSPECIFIED.

Elson, Michael T. (1999) Tassel-eared Squirrel Foraging Patterns and Projected Effects of Ecological Restoration Treatments at Mt. Trumbull, Arizona. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Lesh, Tamara D. (1999) Habitat Selection by Selected Breeding Passerine Birds in Pine-Oak Forests of Northern Arizona. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Mast, Joy Nystrom and Fule, Peter Z. and Moore, Margaret M. and Covington, W. Wallace and Waltz, Amy E.M. (1999) Restoration of presettlement age structure of an Arizona ponderosa pine forest. Ecological Applications, 9 (1). pp. 228-239. ISSN 1051-0761

Moore, Margaret M. and Covington, W. Wallace and Fule, Peter Z. (1999) Reference conditions and ecological restoration: a southwestern ponderosa pine perspective. Ecological Applications, 9 (4). pp. 1266-1277. ISSN 1051-0761

Sisk, Thomas D. and Crews, Timothy E. and Eisfeldt, Ryan T. and King, Matthew and Stanley, Elaine (1999) Assessing impacts of alternative livestock management practices: raging debates and a role for science. In: Proceedings of the fourth biennial conference of research on the Colorado Plateau, September 15-18, 1997, Flagstaff, AZ.

Stevens, B. (1999) Spring 1999 - Regaining Lost Ground: Ecological Restoration News. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.


Kaye, Jason P. and Hart, Stephen C. (1998) Ecological restoration alters nitrogen transformations in a ponderosa pine-bunchgrass ecosystem. Ecological Applications, 8 (4). pp. 1052-1060. ISSN 1051-0761

Stevens, B. (1998) May 1998 - Regaining Lost Ground: Ecological Restoration News. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute.

Waltz, Amy E. M. and Fule, Peter Z. (1998) Changes in ponderosa pine forests of the Mt. Logan Wilderness. Technical Report. NAU Ecological Restoration Institute, Flagstaff, United States.


Block, W.M. and Finch, D.M. (1997) Songbird ecology in Southwestern Forest Service ponderosa pine forests: A literature review. Technical Report. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, US.

Fule, Peter Z. and Covington, W.Wallace and Moore, Margaret M. (1997) Determining reference conditions for ecosystem management of southwestern ponderosa pine forests. Ecological Applications, 7 (3). pp. 895-908. ISSN 1051-0761

Latham, D. and Burgan, R. and Chase, C. and Bradshaw, L. (1997) Technical Reference: Using Lightning Location in the Wildland Fire Assessment System. Technical Report. USDA Forest Service, Ogden, Utah.

Pollock, M.M. and Suckling, K.F. (1997) Presettlement conditions of ponderosa pine forests in the American Southwest. Technical Report. Southwest Forest Alliance, Flagstaff, United States.


Fredericksen, Todd S. and Skelly, John M. and Steiner, Kim C. and Kolb, Thomas E. (1996) Ozone exposure, uptake, and response of different-sized black cherry trees. In: Proceedings, 1995 meeting of the Northern Global Change Program; 1995 March 14-16; Pittsburgh, PA. : Introduction/Environmental Change. General Technical Report . U.S. Forest Service, Pittsburgh, PA, pp. 38-40.

Fule, Peter Z (1996) Fire regimes and forest structure in pine ecosystems of Arizona, U.S.A., and Durango, Mexico. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.


Covington, Wallace (1995) Implementing adaptive ecosystem restoration in western long-needled pine forests. Technical Report. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.


Kaufmann, M.R. and Graham, R.T. and Boyce, D.A. and Moir, W.H. and Perry, L. and Reynolds, R.T. and Bassett, R.L. and Mehlhop, P. and Edminster, C.B. and Block, W.M. and Corn, P.S. (1994) An Ecological Basis for Ecosystem Management. Technical Report. UNSPECIFIED.


Covington, W.W. (1993) Sustainable ecological systems: Implementing an ecological approach to land management, implications for ponderosa pine/bunchgrass ecological systems. Technical Report. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, US.

Yazzie-Durglo, V. and Covington, W.W. (1993) Conservation biology, restoration ecology, and a Navajo view of nature. Technical Report. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.


Kaufmann, M.R. and Moir, W.H. and Covington, W.W. (1992) Old-growth forests: what do we know about their ecology and management in the Southwest and Rocky Mountain Regions? In: Old-growth forests in the Southwest and Rocky Mountain Regions - Proceedings of a workshop (Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-GTR-213), March 9-13, 1992, Portal, Arizona.

Reynolds, R.T. and Graham, R.T. and Reiser, M.H. and Bassett, R.L. and Kennedy, P.L. and Boyce, D.A. and Goodwin, G. and Smith, R. and Fisher, E.L. (1992) Management recommendations for the northern goshawk in the southwestern United States. Technical Report. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.


Kolb, T.E. and Wagner, M.R. and Covington, W.W. (1991) Forest health from different perspectives. Technical Report. USDA Forest Service, Fort Collins, US.


Covington, W. Wallace (1981) Changes in forest floor organic matter and nutrient content following clear cutting in northern hardwoods. Ecology, 62 (1). pp. 41-48. ISSN 0012-9658


Covington, W. Wallace and Aber, John D. (1980) Leaf production during secondary succession in northern hardwoods. Ecology, 61 (1). pp. 200-204. ISSN 0012-9658


Schubert, G.H. (1974) Silviculture of the Southwestern Ponderosa Pine: The Status of Our Knowledge. Other. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, US.


Pearson, G.A. (1950) Management of ponderosa pine in the Southwest. Technical Report. USDA Forest Service.


Pearson, G.A. (1910) Reproduction of western yellow pine in the Southwest. Other. USDA Forest Service.


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This list was generated on Sat Feb 15 16:12:47 2025 MST.