About OpenKnowledge@NAU | For NAU Authors

Items where Year is 2022

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Number of items: 166.

Aadland, Erin Christine (2022) Is binarity necessary for the evolution of massive stars to the luminous blue variable and Wolf-Rayet stages? Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Alkahtani, Sultan Muidh (2022) Change in Saudi foreign policy: case study of using military intervention. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Alvarez Guerrero, Jose David (2022) Power system operation with high penetration of electric vehicles and renewable energy. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Assiri, Sareh (2022) Methods to secure access control and encryption based on physical unclonable function. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Baciu, Cristina (2022) Understanding e-mentoring: a quantitative study of online undergraduate students. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Baez, Kandace L (2022) Surveilling the skies: a sociological analysis of the unidentified flying object discourse in american society. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Bailey, Lydia Noel (2022) Soil, plants and the biocrust between: innovations in Mojave Desert restoration and management. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Barnes, Jillian (2022) Structural properties of braid graphs in simply-laced triangle-free Coxeter systems. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Bechtel, Molly June (2022) Ticks, tortoises and tick-borne relapsing fever in Mojave desert tortoise habitat. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Berry, Savannah Rose (2022) Estrogen as a therapeutic agent to protect against oxidative stress in aging and endocrine disruptors in humans and murine models. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Biddle, Lauren Irene (2022) Stellar activity and the planet-star connection. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Blackburn, Ryan Christopher (2022) Into the canopy: advancing forest resource characterizations with lidar. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Blackwell, Hunter Tianna (2022) How to Have a Body. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Boadu, Vanessa Ampofoa (2022) An examination of Ghanaian attitudes towards LGBTQI+ people. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Bolar-Gastony, Maria Mercedes (2022) The effects of molecular composition on thermal, electrochemical, and mechanical properties of hyperbranched polymer electrolytes. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Boone, Rohan David (2022) Patterns of climate sensitivity and memory differ between trees that survive and trees that die during drought. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Borsom, Emily Modrich (2022) Dense, longitudinal sampling reveals key gut microbial communities associated with Alzheimer’s disease pathologies. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Brennan, Kelsey Elizabeth (2022) Analysis of triassic volcanic rocks in two pendants, eastern Sierra Nevada, California with implications for continental arc paleogeography and volcanology. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Brickey, Timothy Andrew (2022) Stratigraphy, age, and structural evolution of South Dome Rock Mountains basin, southeast Blythe basin, Arizona. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Broeckling, Kevin David (2022) A case study examining how branch campuses interpret and implement institutional identity. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Bryant-Lopez, Brittany Marie (2022) The new normal: adult learner career pathways. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Burk, Erin Elizabeth (2022) Simulator-based training for logging equipment operators. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Burnham, Sarah (2022) Discourse within southwest water management: a case study in the Central Arizona Project. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Burton, Brandie Kristine (2022) Lived experiences of women of color in educational leadership in Arizona. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Cannon, William Henry (2022) The mother range: investigating the power dynamics of climate change adaptation in an Arizona fire-prone contested landscape. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Carrillo, Carlos Mejorado (2022) Latcrit theory online education Latinx students and community college success. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Chandler, Colin Orion (2022) Chasing tails: Active Asteroid, Centaur, and Quasi-Hilda discovery with astroinformatics and citizen science. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Chavez, Jessica (2022) The influence of informal science education professional development on teacher job satisfaction and self-efficacy. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Chuckran, Peter (2022) A multi-omics approach to assessing growth, stress, and disturbance in soil microbial communities. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Cirzan, Aaron Mark (2022) Trading presidential rhetoric: the relationship between shifting rhetoric and policy in trade from Obama to Trump. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Clark, Catherine Arielle (2022) Looking out for the little guys: measuring M-dwarf multiplicity with high-resolution imaging. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Clarke, Jacob W (2022) Controls on bending-related faulting offshore of the Alaska Peninsula. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Clashin, Dana Nicole (2022) Characterizing Navajo Nation water sources for potential use with nanofiltration. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Claus, Leah (2022) The relationship between sex, insulin sensitivity, and blood pressure reactivity in Hispanics. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Cole, Jaime Dawn (2022) Arizona and New Jersey high school graduation policy discourse analysis for Hispanic and Native American students. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Collins, Ashley (2022) The Mirrorball. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Copeland-Glenn, Lauren (2022) Contextualizing attitudes, framing disability: Universal Design and structural violence through the lens of the Accessibility Expedition. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Couey, Benjamin Hoak (2022) An evaluation of machine learning to detect recent moisture in street level images. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Dailey, Helen Kay (2022) Conspecific brood parasitism: reevaluating a bird’s-eye view. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Dalman, Mohammadreza (2022) Online-based intelligibility instruction for second language (L2) learners. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Dixon, Daniel Hobson (2022) The language in digital games: register variation in virtual and real-world contexts. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Dixon, Tülay Örücü (2022) Rules of academic writing: a synchronic and diachronic corpus analysis across the disciplines. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Ebright, Samuel John (2022) Protected areas conserved forests from fire and deforestation in Vietnam’s central highlands: 2001-2020. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Farmer, Jason Christopher (2022) Developing analytical chemical analysis procedures for craft beers and their adjunct ingredients. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Farmer, Kira Camille (2022) Entangled resistance: capacity to radically imagine through the art of countermapping. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Fernandez, Emyly (2022) The effects of nitric oxide on metastatic breast cancer cells: linking NOS2 expression and immune modulation to the anti-tumor response. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Fraker Bonow, Christine (2022) Leading in crisis: principals and COVID-19. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Frates, Adriana (2022) Literacy instruction for English learners with extensive support needs. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Garrett, Michael Logan (2022) Experimental performance analysis of physically unclonable session key protocol for zero-trust environments. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Garthwaite, Iris Jean-Elyse (2022) Plasticity in leaf hydraulic architecture varies among genotypes and populations of Populus fremontii. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Gennaro, Emilio (2022) Aftertaste: an examination of perpetuation and change of food service during COVID-19. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Gibson, Kara Skye (2022) Responses of soil microinvertebrates and their ecological functions to forest thinning and prescribed fire in Valles Caldera National Preserve, New Mexico. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Gibson, Stacey Marie (2022) The influence of positive behavior interventions on school culture. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Gibson, Wesley Cole (2022) Maximum Entropy Predictive Modeling of Open-Air Basketmaker II Sites on Black Mesa and the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Gold, Michaela Sylvia (2022) The role and perceived value of monitoring by rancher-led collaboratives in the interior western United States. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Goulart Da Silva, Larissa (2022) Communicative text types in university writing. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Granillo, Gilberto Samuel (2022) The relationship between principal leadership styles and school culture as perceived by southern Arizona K-12 teachers. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Grant, Jessica Gabriela (2022) The COVID-19 pandemic and social-emotional learning in Arizona elementary schools. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Gripman, Abigail (2022) Writing through a pandemic: an exploration of space and self. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Gritzmacher, Reece (2022) Unburying Water/What We [Un]Bury : a nonbinary settler’s search for a name and the missing. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Groves, Claire Isabelle (2022) The bidirectional relationship between physical activity and stress in working parents. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Hale, Phillip Stanley (2022) On the discourse of activism: the Navajo Vietnam veteran and The Navajo Times. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Harbman, Meredith Jocilyn (2022) Greening spiritual disciplines: engaging in environmentally responsible behavior as a Christian spiritual practice. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Hoffman, Mimi DeGrandi (2022) The effects of outside noise stimuli on honey bee foraging. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Howard, Nicolas R (2022) Israel's vaccination: inequality through settler colonialism, biopolitics, and citizenship. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Hugus, Erin Michelle (2022) Designing learning experiences for developing soft skills in online education: a basic qualitative study. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Hull, Julia Brough (2022) Synergistic interactions of ecosystem stressors and mitigation by mycorrhizal fungi on the foundation species, Fremont cottonwood. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Hurst, Rebecca Lyn (2022) Structured sense of community on academics and graduation: youth on their own in Tucson. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Jagodzinski, Tamara Suzanne (2022) Perceptions of administrators, teachers, and parents on effective homework practices. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Jarchow, Kimberly A (2022) Role Play. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Johns, Damian (2022) Investigating invasion dynamics of Pseudogymnoascus destructans in Texas bats reveals differential patterns of pathogen progression. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Jordan Ward, Renee (2022) Formerly used defense sites on islands in the Bering Sea: hotspots of contamination and health risks to local communities and wildlife. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Keefe, Christopher (2022) Improving in silico scientific reproducibility with Provenance Replay software. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Kemper, Lauren (2022) Short interval wildfires and post-fire resilience in interior Alaska. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Keshavarz, Mahsa (2022) Trust monitoring framework in autonomous unmanned aerial systems. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Klein, Zoe Marie (2022) Seed-source environment predicts drought response for a priority restoration species, Plantago patagonica. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Kroll, Thomas Robert (2022) Prescriptions and practice in Prescott, Arizona: medicine in the 1920s and 1930s. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Laplante, Aubrey (2022) Evidence for late holocene multi-fault rupture in the Panamint Valley transtensional relay, Eastern California Shear Zone. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Ledin, Emmery Rose (2022) Beware of despair: embracing fear and hope in climate journalism. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Lee, Jordan Abigail (2022) Caches in the court: the ideological significance of eccentric lithics from Ballcourt 2, Xunantunich. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Lieder, David (2022) Psychological impacts of a pandemic on the disadvantaged. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Livingston, Paula (2022) Balancing act: entrepreneurial mindset of women leading higher education through the enterprise model. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Maclean, Hannah (2022) Social constuction of nature for nonprofits in Grand Canyon: an online content analysis. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Mahmoudi, Mostafa (2022) Patient-specific modeling of the biomechanics of vulnerable coronary artery plaques. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Mann, Jacob Joseph (2022) Understanding the role of university passive architectural design as a strategy for energy reduction and anthropogenic climate change mitigation. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Mares, Marissa Karina (2022) Uranium and arsenic accumulation in plants: the impact of abandoned uranium mines on the plant community on the Navajo Nation. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Markovchick, Lisa Mira (2022) Ecology and eco-physiology of mycorrhizal symbioses in arid riparian areas. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Maroushek, Emma E (2022) "Having the job coach work with employers, it's a good thing": A qualitative examination of vocational supports for autistic adults. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Martin, Audrey Claire (2022) Mid-infrared spectral studies of Jovian Trojan asteroids and the effects of regolith porosity. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Martin, George Allen (2022) Effectiveness of community college retention programs for marginalized students. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Martinez-Fonseca, Jose Gabriel (2022) Scale effects of forest fragmentation on neotropical and temperate bat species. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Maue, Anthony David (2022) Field data analysis, laboratory experimentation, and mapping Cassini radar images to characterize fluvial sediments on Titan. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

McKelvey, Michelle Figueroa (2022) Touring the margins: geographies and experiences of Black and Chicano men at a historically White university. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Medina, Brian Antonio (2022) Fictions of the flesh, semiotic implosions: an autotheoretical diary. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Megowan, Amy D (2022) Border Communities: Race, Gender, and Community Formation in Arizona's Verde Valley Copper Towns, 1875-1941. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Mensah, Doris Ewurabena (2022) Foreign aid and Ghana’s development: United States Agency for International Development’s (usaid) contributions to Savelugu-Nanton. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Messing, Mackenzie (2022) Fat outside: an arts-based and narrative inquiry approach to building fat-positive community and connection in nature. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Miller, Anona Leigh (2022) A spatially explicit greenhouse gas footprint of beef production supply chains in the United States. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Mitchell, Tyler (2022) Canyon Boys. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Mohammadinodoushan, Mohammad (2022) High throughput, reliable, and secure password management system using physical unclonable functions. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Molisana, Lerato (2022) A collection of essays and short stories. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Morales, Crystal Georgina (2022) Using self-assembling peptides as a platform to create new human papillomavirus vaccine candidates. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Motyka Corbin, Jaclyn Parker (2022) Harnessing leaf optical properties to assess plant traits, genetics and environmental interactions. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Munoz, Raven Breanne (2022) Sexual violence prevention work: engaging men while encouraging gender inclusivity. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Nguyen, Marjorie AnhTu (2022) Antimicrobial activity of novel ionic liquids/deep eutectic solvents help to resist biofouling. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Norris, Steven (2022) AMERICAN ROT. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Nuyttens, Kaleigh (2022) Ecohydrogeology of springs below the South Rim, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Olais, Jose Angel (2022) Evaluating the co-occurrence and exchangeability of adverse childhood experiences in 21 states. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Oldroyd, William Jared (2022) Constraining planet location through gravitational modeling. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Orekhov, Grigoriy (2022) The design, validation, and performance evaluation of an untethered ankle exoskeleton. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Orndahl, Kathleen Marie (2022) Tracking herbivory from space: a multi-scale remote sensing approach to mapping vegetation biomass and assessing impacts of caribou on vegetation. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Palmquist, Emily (2022) Climate, genetics, and river flow interact to shape riparian plant community structure. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Pelak, Johnathan Robert (2022) Evaluation of mobile lidar scanning and associated workflows for estimating structural attributes in mixed-conifer forests. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Pelletier, Benjamin Daniel (2022) Movement and ceramic variability in northern Arizona. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Peng, Han (2022) Action recognition in intelligent systems. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Pepic, Vesna (2022) A mixed method evaluation of a culturally grounded after-school arts intervention on Native youth. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Pettitt, Catherine Joanne (2022) A case study exploring perceptions of stakeholders in a multidisciplinary school-based health center. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Philabaum, Christopher Robert (2022) Enhancing cryptographic systems with ternary-based methodologies and physical unclonable functions. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Pollard, Charlie Caye (2022) Debt (re)considered: an exploration of shame, bankruptcy, and financial resilience. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Propster, Jeffrey Ryan (2022) Soil microbial responses to climate change in the arctic Tundra. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Prorok, Rio Laddie (2022) An experimental approach to PaleoAmerican petrified wood procurement and heat-treatment at the Rainbow Forest archaeological locality. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Renaud, Elizabeth Louise Kaipolani Madrona (2022) Navigating intergenerational ocean identity and well-being: third wave Kānaka `Ōiwi diaspora to the continental United States. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Rethmann, Laura (2022) Reimagining school safety through the removal of school resource officers: an abolitionist perspective. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Reyes-Garcia, M. Natalia (2022) Language appropriations in a 50/50 English/Spanish dual language immersion program. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Ricardo Month, Ruben Dario (2022) Evaluation of the relationship between higher education institutions in the United States and their international recruitment agents. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Robles, Judith Rebecca (2022) Nosotras somos la differencia: Reclaiming our identities as first-generation Latina professionals in higher education. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Robles Aguirre, Jocelyn (2022) Family supportive supervisor and partner’s support as a moderator of the demands-stress relationship. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Rodenhizer, Heidi Greimel (2022) Abrupt thaw and the permafrost carbon feedback. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Rother, Larry E (2022) High school students’ perception of school climate following a district-wide equity and inclusion program implementation. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Roybal, Juliane Marie (2022) Setting an interim leader up for success. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Royer, Addison Paige (2022) Heterogeneity of social skills trajectories: associations with problem behavior in adolescents born to unmarried parents. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Rust, Kyle (2022) Sub-quadratic area-under-the-curve optimization. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Schlangen, Elizabeth Ann (2022) The application of coercive control theory to youth sex trafficking. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Schmuelling, Nina Charlotte (2022) Parental factors in the development of child internalizing and externalizing symptoms. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Scholl, Rikayla Joy (2022) First-generation college students and climate change: an underreserached and vital relationship. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Schottenfels, Emily Rose (2022) Evaluating spatial variations in upper plate deformation at the northeast Japan and Nankai subduction zones using submarine tectonic geomorphology and seismic reflection data. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Seeger, Rebecca Nanette (2022) College-in-prison access, financial aid, and importance: what do Arizonans think? Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Shuler, Shay (2022) Understanding supportive environments: sexual minority experiences with university and community. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Smith, Alyssa Kathryn (2022) Geochemical investigations of Miocene-initiated volcanism of the Erciyes Corridor, Central Anatolia, Turkey. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Smith, Amy Nicole (2022) Professional identity, career satisfaction, and occupational commitment of dental hygiene educators. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Smith, Joshua Martin (2022) Amino acid geochronology of foraminifera from the central Arctic Ocean and Nordic Seas. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Smith, Matthew Alan (2022) Online learning: perceptions of secondary teachers in northern Utah. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Soltany Sadrabadi, Mohammadreza (2022) Mechanobiology of the aortic valve: a multiscale approach. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Stauffer, Eric Alexander (2022) Pennsylvanian-permian lithostratigraphy, chemostratigaphy, and astrochronology of the Western Laurentian margin, California and Nevada, U.S.A. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Steinken Kollath, Daniel (2022) Disease dynamics, ecology, and biology of Coccidioides spp. in Arizona. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Strong, Zack H (2022) Nitrogen and oxygen containing heteroaromatic systems: synthesis and characterization by 1d and 2d NMR techniques. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Sudina, Ekaterina (2022) Study and scale quality in second-language survey research: the case of anxiety and willingness to communicate. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Swaninger, Thomas William (2022) Hiring conflict capable teachers: a mixed methods study. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Tai Udovicic, Christian J (2022) Eau claire de la lune: clarifying the origin and distribution of water on the moon. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Teets, Aaron Forrest (2022) The phenology of aboveground tree growth and forest carbon cycling. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Timmons, Patrice Marie (2022) A review of characteristics influencing lake mercury dynamics, and drivers of variation in mercury concentration within stocked lake fish. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Trinkenreich, Bianca (2022) Understanding and supporting women’s participation in open source software. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Uhey, Derek Andrew (2022) Ecological effects of seed harvesting ants on rangeland plant communities. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Urbieta, Dolores de la Torre (2022) The relationship between sense of belonging to calculus and persistence for community college students. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Vallance, Noa Hammes (2022) Physiological ecology of free-living golden-mantled ground squirrels (Callospermophilus laterlias) before and during hibernation. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Vidrine, Maria Elise (2022) New approaches to agricultural commitment: a decolonized approach to agricultural commitments on Ndee lands. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Vissa, Sneha (2022) Symbiotic communities and interactions in two major bark beetle systems relative to climate and tree chemical defenses. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Wantz, Jennifer K (2022) The re-emerging mission of the community college: community stakeholder narratives. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Weintraub, Aaron R (2022) Examining Mars, near and far: using rover and orbiter data to constrain ancient histories of Mars. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Whitaker, Kelsey (2022) Avian malaria on Kaua'i : prevalence and survival as a function of sex, age, and species. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Willcox, Kevin (2022) Be the change you want to see in the world: being prosocial improves attributions of others. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Winans, Shannon Marie (2022) The stability of the Woodcock-Johnson IV tests of cognitive abilities factor structure in a school referral sample. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Wymore, Andrea (2022) Inclusive education and the school principal: school principals’ definitions of inclusion and associated leadership standards. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Yaw, Katherine Elizabeth (2022) Impact of accent familiarity training on listener processing of second-language accented speech. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Yost, Scott (2022) Interpreting the Maya ideoscape through monumental reuse and spoliation. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

menard, tanner (2022) THE POET. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

This list was generated on Wed Mar 5 11:50:56 2025 MST.