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Items where Subject is "LB2300 Higher Education"

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Number of items at this level: 70.


Albritton, M. David (2005) Technology-based learning: The effects of technology on learning environment, student satisfaction and performance: Working paper series--05-10. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Amer, T. S. and Mohrweis, Lawrence C. (2007) Assessing students' learning of internal controls: Closing the loop: Working paper series--07-03. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Anderson, Joe S. and Morgan, James N. and Williams, Susan K. (2010) Using Toyota's A3 thinking for analyzing MBA business cases: Working paper series--10-02. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Anderson, Joe S. and Williams, Susan K. (2012) Pecha Kucha for lean and sticky presentations in business classes: Working paper series--12-03. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Archer, Bill and Lockwood, Chris A. and Anderson, Joe S (2005) The Nerf ball: A useful technique for management education and practice: Working paper series--05-06. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Assessment Fair (2016) 14th annual Northern Arizona University assessment fair program. In: 14th Annual Assessment Fair, March 30, 2016, Northern Arizona University. (Unpublished)


Baciu, Cristina (2022) Understanding e-mentoring: a quantitative study of online undergraduate students. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Baker, Deborah Lee (2021) Professional development for community college faculty in a guided pathways environment. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Barnes, Evan Randall (2021) Examining the effects of teaching assistants’ responsiveness through talk moves on student explanatory rigor in an undergraduate biology laboratory course. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Bliss, Kristina Marie (2021) Reimagining Community College: Measuring Faculty's Perspective on Disruption and Change Resulting from the COVID-19 Pandemic. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Blunt, Carl (2021) Cultural mentoring as a component of collegiate academic achievement for African American male students. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Boydston, Melissa Lynn (2021) Perceptions of collective impact: a place-based systems approach. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Brayboy, Bryan McKinley Jones and Castagno, Angelina E. and Solyom, Jessica A. (2014) Looking into the hearts of native peoples: nation building as an institutional orientation for graduate education. American Journal of Education, 120 (4). pp. 575-596. ISSN 0195-6744

Broeckling, Kevin David (2022) A case study examining how branch campuses interpret and implement institutional identity. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Bryant, Andrew Joseph (2021) Stories and experiences of adult learners with multiple life-role responsibilities in the early 21st century. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Bryant-Lopez, Brittany Marie (2022) The new normal: adult learner career pathways. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.


Cahall, Ed and Clifford, Samantha and Gallagher, Larry and Gidley, Matthew and Sutton, Brenda (2015) What do part-time geographically dispersed faculty members need for their professional development? In: NAU Assessment Fair 2015.

Cahall, Ed and Shadiow, Linda (2011) Assessing the scope, role, & impact of the new directions in diversity symposium: Portraits of engagement, 2007-2010. In: NAU Assessment Fair 2011, Northern Arizona University. (Unpublished)

Cahall, Ed and Shadiow, Linda (2009) What is the impact of faculty learning from and with colleagues? 2008-2009. In: NAU Assessment Fair 2009.

Cahall, Ed and Shadiow, Linda (2011) What is the impact of faculty learning from and with colleagues? 2009-2010. In: NAU Assessment Fair 2011.

Cahall, Ed and Shadiow, Linda (2012) What is the impact of faculty learning from and with colleagues? 2010-2011. In: NAU Assessment Fair 2012.

Carrillo, Carlos Mejorado (2022) Latcrit theory online education Latinx students and community college success. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Charles, Harvey and Longerbeam, Susan D. and Miller, Angela E. (2013) Putting old tensions to rest: Integrating multicultural education and global learning to advance student development. Journal of College and Character, 14 (1). pp. 47-58. ISSN 1940-1639

Chavez, Leah Mesa (2021) Institutional leadership and their influence on frontline management when implementing academic entrepreneurial initiatives. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Clark, Timothy S. (2010) Recognizing and raising professionalism behaviors within the culture of business undergraduates: Working paper series--10-10. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Clark, Timothy S. and Amer, T. S. and Ng, Pin (2011) Developing professionalism in a college of business: The implementation of a professionalism recognition program: Working paper series--11-06. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Clark, Timothy S. and Lockwood, Chris and Bain, Craig E. (2012) Qualities of professionalism sought by employers: Exploring, validating, and incentivizing them in business undergraduates: Working paper Series--12-08. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Conn, Annabah B (2021) Weaving the way: developmental education in three Southwestern tribally controlled colleges. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.


Diaz, Patty (2021) School Administrators' Perceptions of a Doctorate in Educational Leadership on Professional Preparation. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.


Espinosa, Yvette Maria (2021) Profile of community college faculty within a neoliberal environment. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.


Gallagher, Larry and Cahall, Ed and Clifford, Samantha (2016) How did we engage our faculty? In: NAU Assessment Fair 2016.

Gallagher, Larry and Cahall, Ed and Clifford, Samantha (2014) What was the impact of faculty learning from and with colleagues? An assessment of faculty professional development program sessions August 2013-February 2014. In: NAU Assessment Fair 2014.

Griffin, C. Andrew and Lockwood, Chris A. (2009) Building active learning applications and opportunities into a distance-learning leadership course: Working paper series--09-07. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Gyesi, Mavis (2021) International admissions and recruitment evaluation program: a study at Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.


Haney, John D. (2003) Something Lost - Something Gained: From COBOL to Java to C# in Intermediate Programming Courses: Working Paper Series--03-05. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Haney, John D. and Lovely, John (2003) .NET as a Teaching Tool: Working Paper Series--03-06. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.


James, Mark C. and Barbieri, Federica and Garcia, Paula (2008) What are they talking about? Lessons learned from a study of peer instruction. Astronomy Education Review, 7 (1). pp. 37-43. ISSN 1539-1515


Kia, Elnaz (2018) Directive Use in University Classroom Discourse: Variation across Disciplines, Academic Levels, and Interactivity. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.


Liu, Qi (2021) Exploring synchronous and asynchronous communication during pair work: the case of Chinese language learners. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Livingston, Paula (2022) Balancing act: entrepreneurial mindset of women leading higher education through the enterprise model. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Lockwood, Chris A. and Anderson, Joe (2003) Personalized services: A pivotal component of MBA program assessment: Working paper series--03-17. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Lockwood, Chris A. and Anderson, Joe S. and Jacobs, Neil W. (2003) Reviewing an integrated MBA core course: Working paper series--03-16. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Lorents, Alden and Morgan, James and Tallman, Gary (2002) Course integration: What impact on student grades? Working paper series--02-11. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.


Maroja, Luana S. and Wilder, Jason A. (2012) Where do I come from? Using student’s mitochondrial DNA to teach about phylogeny, molecular clocks, and population genetics. Evolution: Education and Outreach, 5 (3). pp. 501-507. ISSN 1936-6434

Martin, George Allen (2022) Effectiveness of community college retention programs for marginalized students. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

McCarthy, Emily and Sundermeyer, Diana and Orr, Riley (2016) NAU is abuzz about career. In: NAU Assessment Fair 2016, Northern Arizona University.

McKelvey, Michelle Figueroa (2022) Touring the margins: geographies and experiences of Black and Chicano men at a historically White university. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Mcintosh, Dwayne E (2018) Remediation and performance in standardized testing: Accuplacer preparation and placement outcomes at a large community college. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Mitchell, Jennifer and Yordy, Eric (2009) COVER it: A comprehensive framework for guiding students through ethical dilemmas: Working paper series--09-05. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Morgan, James and Tallman, Gary and Williams, Robert (2003) An empirical look at criteria for admission to an undergraduate business program: Working paper series--03-10. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Morgan, James and Tallman, Gary and Williams, Robert (2004) An assessment of undergraduate business program admission and retention standards: Working paper series--04-11. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Morgan, Jim and Tallman, Gary and Williams, Robert (2007) Student and faculty views of plus-minus grading systems: Working paper series--07-11. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.


Ng, Pin and Pinto, James (2003) Reducing high attrition rate in a business statistics course using an interpretive approach encompassing diverse teaching and learning styles: Working paper series--03-11. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Ng, Pin and Pinto, James and Lockwood, Chris A. (2005) An interpretive business statistics course encompassing diverse teaching and learning styles: Working paper series--05-04. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Ng, Pin and Pinto, James and Williams, Susan K. (2008) The effect of learning styles on course performance: A quantile regression analysis: Working paper series--08-02. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.


Pruitt, Corey Brenton (2019) Middle-level professional leadership competency of innovation to become influencers in the academic enterprise. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.


Ricardo Month, Ruben Dario (2022) Evaluation of the relationship between higher education institutions in the United States and their international recruitment agents. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Richards Arellano, Vanessa Kelly (2021) Latina/o/x community college students pursuing stem degrees: an analysis of early momentum metrics at a southwestern community college. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Robie, Alexandra Karma (2021) Debt sentence: a Critical Race Theory analysis of student loan default. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Roybal, Juliane Marie (2022) Setting an interim leader up for success. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.


Scherpereel, Christopher M. and Bowers, Mary Y. (2005) Team teaching in an integrated business course: Working paper series--05-20. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Scherpereel, Christopher M. and Bowers, Mary Y. (2005) Using critical problem based learning factors in an integrated undergraduate business curriculum: A business course success: Working paper series--05-19. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

Schlittenhart, Emily (2021) First-generation and Pell Grant-eligible, navigating the financial aid verification process: a case study. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Seeger, Rebecca Nanette (2022) College-in-prison access, financial aid, and importance: what do Arizonans think? Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Spada-Allgood, Jeane and Shadiow, Linda (2008) Assessing the scope, role, & impact of the faculty development resource sessions. In: NAU Assessment Fair 2008.


Urbieta, Dolores de la Torre (2022) The relationship between sense of belonging to calculus and persistence for community college students. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.


Vanlengen, Craig A. (2004) Computer literacy alternatives: Working paper series--04-10. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.


Wantz, Jennifer K (2022) The re-emerging mission of the community college: community stakeholder narratives. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Wilburn, Nancy L. and Amer, T.S. and Kilpatrick, Bob G. (2007) Establishing an eMentor oprogram: Increasing the interaction between accounting majors and professionals: Working paper series--07-04. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.


Yordy, Eric D. (2006) Using student development theory to inform business law curriculum and pedagogy: A response to the Secretary of Education's Commission on the Future of Higher Education: Working paper series--06-09. Working Paper. NAU W.A. Franke College of Business.

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