About OpenKnowledge@NAU | For NAU Authors

Items where Year is 2021

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Number of items: 207.

Abraham, Andrew John (2021) Large mammals and the zoogeochemistry of terrestrial nutrient cycles. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Alicz, Danielle Colette (2021) Mychael Danna's Fusion of Styles in the Score for Life of Pi. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Annorbah, Rebecca (2021) Impact of the Trump Administration's Modification to the Public Charge Rule on Perceptions of Immigrants' Behavior. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Ansari, Saleh (2021) Analysis and Comparison of Travel Times Using Multiple Data Sources: A Case Study in Metro Phoenix. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Asmussen, Christopher Thomas (2021) The Impact Social Networks Have On Parent School-Choice Decision Making. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Autman, Hasan Khalid (2021) My nigga: the potential acceptability of an n-word derivative in Hip-Hop Based Education and university educational contexts. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Awik, Fadi A (2021) The Reversal Poset of Signed Permutations. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Ayisi, Obed Aboah (2021) Multiple-Wavelength Phase Retrieval With Digital Holographic Microscopy. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Ayodele, Oluwatosin Olukayode (2021) Recommendations for solar photovoltaic system policies in Nigeria: a comparative policy analysis. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Baker, Deborah Lee (2021) Professional development for community college faculty in a guided pathways environment. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Baker, Scott Michael (2021) Garden climate effects on endophyte abundance and morphology of Populus fremontii (Fremont cottonwoods) populations from across their temperature range. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Balazs, Kathleen Renee (2021) Trait-Based Approaches to Dryland Restoration. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Balsiger, Aliyah Joy (2021) Education in isolation: how remote learning impacts students with disabilities in the COVID-19 Era. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Banister, Kelsey Elizabeth (2021) The impact of temperature on the epizootic dynamics of Ambystoma tigrinum virus (ATV) epizootics in larval salamanders (Ambystoma mavortium). Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Barnes, Courtney (2021) Identifying the Use of Culturally Responsive Teaching Strategies in Out of School Time STEM Classsrooms. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Barnes, Evan Randall (2021) Examining the effects of teaching assistants’ responsiveness through talk moves on student explanatory rigor in an undergraduate biology laboratory course. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Bauer, Tatia Adelinde Fay (2021) Do flower phenology and traits vary across species provenances and impact plant-pollinator interactions? Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Beardall, Antonio Ricardo (2021) Public archaeology and cultural heritage management in Belize: successes and shortcomings. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Behling, Emma (2021) GIS analysis of agricultural strategies and landscape use on ancient Black Mesa, Northern Arizona. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Belmonte, Adam Jackson (2021) Remote sensing assessment of semi-arid forest structure changes and ecohydrological responses to thinning-based restoration practices. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Berglin, Samantha Kristine (2021) Volcanic facies and geochemical analysis of the Triassic Mammoth Rock breccia as a test of early-arc paleogeography and subduction inception, eastern Sierra Nevada, California. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Biney, Moses Ohene (2021) Christianity and integration among African students in Flagstaff, Arizona, United States of America. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Bingham, Darren Robert (2021) Decomposing the semantics of local food: an analysis of food flows & organizations of Arizona. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Blankenship, Benjamin Buck (2021) A mentoring intervention using motivational interviewing for students on academic probation. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Bliss, Kristina Marie (2021) Reimagining Community College: Measuring Faculty's Perspective on Disruption and Change Resulting from the COVID-19 Pandemic. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Blunt, Carl (2021) Cultural mentoring as a component of collegiate academic achievement for African American male students. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Boydston, Melissa Lynn (2021) Perceptions of collective impact: a place-based systems approach. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Bradfield, Andrew (2021) Dual-Projection Digital Holographic Tomography. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Branch Moore, Cornelia A (2021) Validation and self-efficacy: a holistic approach to career exploration for the undecided community college student. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Brendefur, Maren Elizabeth (2021) Resilience to Childhood Trauma and Adversity: Exploring Factors that Contribute to Well-being and Success in Adulthood. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Broadman, Ellie (2021) Holocene hydroclimate in southern and arctic Alaska inferred from diatom oxygen isotopes and data – model comparisons. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Brown, Damian (2021) D E L I V E R Y (Delivery). Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Bryant, Andrew Joseph (2021) Stories and experiences of adult learners with multiple life-role responsibilities in the early 21st century. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Burch, Sara Jane (2021) Assessing fire impacts to a spring-fed riparian ecosystem during a dry climate cycle in Grand Canyon National Park, USA. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Burchett, Gabrielle (2021) Concussion: Quantitative Electroencephalogram and the Comparison with Established Measures. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Byerley, Erica (2021) Debris Flow Hazard Modeling with GIS and Remote Sensing in Southern California. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

C, Christina (2021) The impact of instructional model and instructor experience and rank on university level precalculus grades. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Cadman, Quentin D (2021) Structure of braid graphs in simply-laced Coxeter systems. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Carney, Molly Katherine (2021) The Power of Maps: Utilizing Mapping as an Emergent Method for Food System Assessments. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Celona, Kimberly Rose (2021) BurkPx: a multiplex serodiagnostic bead assay to detect Burkholderia pseudomallei exposures in non-human primates. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Chang, Heesol (2021) The cost of forest thinning operations in the United States West: a systematic literature review and model development. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Chavez, Leah Mesa (2021) Institutional leadership and their influence on frontline management when implementing academic entrepreneurial initiatives. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Chen, Shi (2021) Development and Validation of a Web-based L2 Pragmatic Speaking Test in the University Context. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Clark, Stacy Allana (2021) Wheels & Chicken Legs. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Cluff, Emily Rose (2021) The effects of hypoxia on Natural Killer cells: linking hypoxia inducible factor-1 alpha and metabolism to the anti-tumor response. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Conn, Annabah B (2021) Weaving the way: developmental education in three Southwestern tribally controlled colleges. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Cooney, Kathryn Anne (2021) Investigation of environmental correlates of Ambystoma tigrinum Ranavirus in two Arizona amphibian species. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Corrales, Candi (2021) The political economy of the new extractivism and revolutionary strategies in Ecuador and Venezuela. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Corsetti, Tessa Christine (2021) Gene flow of common side-blotched lizards across the Colorado River in Arizona and Utah. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Currey, Rebecca Anne (2021) Systems theory analysis of low-income high school students affording college dual credit. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Davalos, Emily Anne (2021) Education as a tool of liberation: nurturing the vital branch between Ethnic Studies and revolutionary community organizing. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

De Silva, Kalani Sachinthana (2021) A basic model for bi-directional transfer of carbon dioxide and oxygen between digester biogas and a microalgae culture. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Della Cerra, Shawna Lynn (2021) Deciding factors in school choice among parents in the southwest United States. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Diaz, Patty (2021) School Administrators' Perceptions of a Doctorate in Educational Leadership on Professional Preparation. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Dixit, Aalap Himanshubhai (2021) Variation in morphological, phenological, and physiological traits among southwestern ponderosa pine provenances: insights from field and greenhouse common gardens. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Dominguez, Dominic Daniel (2021) Tissue structure and mechanical properties associated with various skin decellularization methods. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Donovan, Keegan Matthew (2021) Karst spring processes and groundwater storage implications in high-elevation, semi-arid southwestern United States. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Dresler, Sara (2021) The Effects of Arsenic on Wound Healing in Larval Zebrafish (Danio rerio) and Mice (Mus musculus). Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Dunlap, Katherine (2021) Fungi-assisted uranium uptake by plants: considerations of soil biogeochemistry and its mechanistic implications. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Dunleavy, Haley Rose (2021) Mycorrhizas under Arctic shrub expansion: Effects of temperature, nutrient limitation, and host species on symbiotic root processes. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Edwards, Cymelle Leah (2021) Eintou, or my government name. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Elmore, Alexis Marie (2021) Investigation of novel mycoviruses in Coccidioides genomes. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Emory, Karen Janelle (2021) Play as a Catalyst for Improved Student-Teacher Relationships and Better Perceptions of School. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Enriquez, Desirae E (2021) The effects of uranium exposure on human breast cancer cell lines MCF-7 and T-47D in vitro and in vivo. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Espinosa, Yvette Maria (2021) Profile of community college faculty within a neoliberal environment. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Estes-Chilton, Jennifer Leigh (2021) Madwomen in the arena: a female majority cohort of rural Arizona superintendents. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Fankhauser, Kaci Lynn (2021) Considering herbivory in seed sourcing decisions for restoration materials. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Felipe, Alfredo (2021) Probing the structure and properties of the deep eutectic solvent choline and geranate at the vacuum/liquid interface using molecular dynamics. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Fernandes, Stephannie de Souza (2021) Conflict, connectivity, and confluences: limitations and possibilities for Amazon riverine ecosystem protection. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Fernandez Ajo, Alejandro Apolo (2021) Application of novel methods in conservation physiology for understanding cases of baleen whale mortalities. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Fitzgerald, Mikaela Rose (2021) Examining suicide education materials to positively impact stigma and helping behavior, moderated by dispositional empathy. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Fowks, Lyndsey Nicole (2021) Drilling into "petro-masculinity": A media analysis of the community messaging produced within the extractive industry of Alberta, Canada. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Frye, Eric James (2021) An evauation of ammonia as a tool for eradication of aquatic invasive species. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Fuchs, Danielle Cari (2021) Exploring the Work-Life Balance of High School Assistant Principals with School-Aged Children at Home. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Gibson, Charles Robert (2021) A Phenomenological Study of Parental Involvement in COVID-19 Schooling. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Gonzalez, Nicole Denise (2021) Exploring first-generation Latina students’ campus experiences within Latina sororities. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Greer, Chad Michael (2021) The impact of teacher and student attitudes on math performance of fourth- and sixth-grade students in rural Arizona. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Gregg, Barney Mull (2021) Ponderosa pine planting: a survey of expert knowledge. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Gregorich, Holly Gina (2021) Provenance analysis of siliciclastic beds of the Wilkins Peak member of the Lower Eocene Green River formation, Wyoming. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Griefenberg, Portia Kristina (2021) The Potential for Plant-Based Lifestyles to Address Oppression and the Ideological and Systemic Obstacles to Widespread Veganism. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Gruntorad, Kelsey Ann (2021) Recreating and rethinking pot polish: an experimental analysis and zooarchaeological approach to the taphonomy of cooking fauna. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Gustafsson, Annika Lil (2021) Grain Size Characteristics of Primordial Small Bodies in the Solar System. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Gyesi, Mavis (2021) International admissions and recruitment evaluation program: a study at Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Habibi, Milad (2021) Data-driven and multi-modality modeling of blood flow physics. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Hall, Carina Marie (2021) Detection and phylogenomics of the environmental opportunistic pathogen, Burkholderia pseudomallei, and its close phlyogenetic relatives in the B. pseudomallei complex. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Hammond, Ruby Lanneau (2021) Bird feeders as a tool to connect people with nature, and characteristics of ponderosa pine associated with woodpecker foraging use. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Hansen, Lindsay Erika (2021) Factors influencing growth in the Grand Canyon Colorado River population of flannelmouth sucker (Catostomus latippinis). Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Harati, Hoda (2021) Examining adaptive learning impact on students' academic performance and perception of self-regulated learning skills. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Harrison, Christopher Leon (2021) Genocidal Conscription: Drafting Victims of Genocide. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Haverkamp, Danielle Raye (2021) Harnessing spontaneous Brillouin scattering for nonequilibrium phonon spectroscopy. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Hays, Lauren Elizabeth (2021) Glutathione reductase regulation in mouse skeletal muscle stimulated ex-vivo: a pilot study. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Heffern, Jade Kaeding (2021) Pre-Service Teachers’ Personality Traits and Dispositional Factors, and its Relationship to Self-Efficacy and Commitment to the Profession. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Higueras Ruiz, Diego Ricardo (2021) Twisted and coiled polymer actuators: design, mechanics, and biomimetics. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Huff, Gabriella (2021) Biocommunicability and Superstition in Notions of Mental Unwellness in Belize. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Huisa, Allison (2021) The Magmatic Evolution of the San Francisco Volcanic Field's Sugarloaf Mountain, Through U-Th Dating and Compositional Analyses. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Hutton, Shelby Marie (2021) Knockdown resistance mutations are widely distributed in fleas that transmit plague in Madagascar. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Ike, Vivian Chinua Olivia (2021) The health effects of transboundary pollution and environmental cooperation. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

James, Emily Kay (2021) The impact of the Title I principal’s leadership style on the climate of the school. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

James, Emmanuel (2021) Analyzing factors affecting pedestrian crash frequency & severity considering demographic, land use, & roadway characteristics. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Jeong, Siwoo (2021) Titin contribution to active muscle. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Jernigan, Morgan Ann (2021) #massshootings in the media: the relationship between construal, perception, and emotion. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Kelder, Sarah K (2021) Case Study of Dual Certification Practicum: Focusing on Students' Perceptions of Field Placements. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Keller, Daniel Ryan (2021) Register Representation and Processing. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

King, Jordy Paul (2021) Ethical behavior in the outdoors: the impact of COVID-19 on outdoor recreation. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Koeppel, Ari Hirsh Dickman and Edwards, Christopher S (2021) A fragile record of fleeting water on Mars: data. [Dataset] (In Press)

Krawczyk, Collin Anthony (2021) Photovoltaic characterization and trans-oceanic sub-surface photovoltaic performance. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Krencius, Angelique Kerensa Cossette (2021) Quantitative testing of the molecular evolution of the mammalian circular RNA locus CDR1/CDR1-as (ciRS-7). Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Krings, Zachary Adam (2021) Temporal estimation in child and adolescent clinical populations with diagnoses of depression, anxiety, or ADHD. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Kwiatkowski, Chad (2021) Influence of the Permo-Triassic Cordilleran arc on Early to Middle Triassic deposystems, Mojave and Sonoran Deserts. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Laffidy, Mary (2021) Governments' use of fear appeals and accessible language in COVID-19 outreach: comparing Florida and New York’s messages, March 2020-September 2020. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Lane, Taylor Scarlett (2021) Seasonal variability in accelerated BMI change among high-risk children in schools and pediatric weight management programs. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Laplant, Paige Elizabeth (2021) Zeolitization and feldspathization processes of the Campanian Ignimbrite, southern Italy. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Laurich, Megan (2021) Archaeological Pets: A Pathological Examination of the Human-Dog Relationship in the American Southwest. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Ledezma, Irvin A (2021) Quantification of heavy metals and metalloids in soil samples collected from grazing sites and streams around Cove, AZ. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Lee, Hannah (2021) Linking genetic variation in plant functional traits to source climate in key native Southwest restoration species. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Lehnert, Savannah Lamar (2021) Social and ecological dimensions of incorporating tree cover into fragmented tropical landscapes. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Lemin, Nathan Patrick (2021) Lovelines. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Li, Huayu (2021) Deep Learning based digital hologram processing. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Liebelt, Leah Katherine (2021) Innovation in augmenting hip and ankle performance during walking. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Lima, Ryan Edward (2021) Estimating changes in fine-sediment storage at eddy-sandbars on the Colorado River, Grand Canyon, AZ using oblique imagery from remote cameras. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Liu, Qi (2021) Exploring synchronous and asynchronous communication during pair work: the case of Chinese language learners. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Loucks, Weston Bret (2021) On codes and matroids: minors, self-orthogonality, cycle nested and doubly-even matroids. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Lowe, Carley L (2021) Assessing longitudinal patterns of reproduction and stress of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) via a novel analytical technique using baleen. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Lujan, Oscar Ramon (2021) Developmental and behavioral impacts in zebrafish from heavy metal exposure. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Lum, Myles (2021) Finding the Point: A Personal, Extrospective Analysis of Life as Art through Pointillism. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Lynn, Ethan Michael (2021) The Linguistic Nature of ESL/EFL Reading Textbooks: A Corpus Analysis. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Madden, Kevin (2021) knowledge, use, and susceptibility of disposable pod devices and heated tobacco products in younger adults. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Maguire, Richard Henry (2021) Addressing poverty in Malawi through social entrepreneurship: an analysis of mango fruit farming in Chipampha Village, Lilongwe, Malawi. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Malangano, Enettie (2021) Women’s empowerment in chief traditional authority Mposa, Machinga District of Malawi: an assessment of existing development initiatives to promote women’s economic empowerment. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Manda, Shonduri Molly (2021) Juvenile justice system in different cultural contexts: a comparison of juvenile justice administration in Malawi and the United States of America. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

McNeil, Anthony Ryan (2021) Abstract synthesis of multi-compartment architectures for use in synthetic cellular communication. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Mead, Heather Lynn (2021) Coccidioides the causative agent of Valley Fever: characterization of parasitic behaviors in the lab and in the field. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Mensah, David (2021) "What do you produce to the government?”: perspectives of psychiatric nurses on the stigmatization of care in Ghana. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Merritt, William Christopher (2021) Development and optimization of an injectable liquid-to-solid polymer gelation system for treatment of large and wide-neck intracranial aneurysms. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Meschi, Sara Sadat (2021) Computational Analysis of Flow Topology and Targeted Drug Delivery in Coronary Artery. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Miller, Karis Jolee (2021) Investigating Coccidioides specific pH response and targeted gene deletion using CRISPR-Cas9. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Miller, Mariah A (2021) Exploration of mindfulness skills and COVID-19 anxiety: a latent profile analysis. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Miller, Stephanie Nicole (2021) Evaluating geophysical diversity as a surrogate for biodiversity in conservation planning. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Mishra, Dhruv (2021) Investigating the role of titin in skeletal muscles from mdm mice with a deletion in N2A titin. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Mocanu, Gabriela (2021) The role of induction in the development of teacher professional identity: a survey of elementary teachers in international schools in the Middle East. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Murray, Allyson (2021) Determining magmatic volatile contributions to the Campanian Ignimbrite, Italy. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Murrieta Molina, Bernardo (2021) Odonata as biological indicators of habitat quality in restored wetlands in the Arizona borderlands. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Nelson, Cleofus (2021) Navajo teacher experiences of effective teaching practices in Navajo Reservation public schools in Arizona. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Nishandji, Gorkem (2021) Performance evaluation of cryptographic algorithms in software and with hardware implementation of specialized instructions for the RISC-V instruction set architecture. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Nixon, Kane G (2021) Arizona Chief Fire Officers' Opinions Regarding Firefighter Behavioral Health Problems: Causes and Help Approaches. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Nolan, Eric Thomas (2021) Socioscientific perspective taking in a four quadrant-based curriculum on climate change. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

O'Brien, Brendan (2021) The frontier next door: how short-term rentals affect housing in western mountain towns. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Ortega, Tiffany Ann (2021) Evaluation of a computer–based reading program. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Ostrom, Ethan Lambert (2021) Is exercise-induced redox signaling affected by aging? Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Partridge, Sade Perez (2021) The fecundity kernel: reproductive analyses to fill the gap in perennial graminoid demography. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Peach, Lulu Rosemary (2021) Does drought response change with parental ancestry across a white pine hybrid zone? Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Pedersen, Christine (2021) Polymer encapsulated DNA vaccine for sustained release. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Pereira Costa Sobrinho Jr, Enoque (2021) Exploring the relationship between Helicobacter pylori and Native Americans living in northern Arizona. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Perez, Devin (2021) The Truth of All Endings. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Perez, Nalleli (2021) Unaccompanied Migrant Children: Experiences and Challenges. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Petersen, Sarah Elizabeth (2021) The effects of hydration on low-angle subduction systems. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Pineda, Sergio (2021) Pragmatic Prospection and Environmental Modifications: An Experience Sampling Study. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Pino Alcaraz, Marcela (2021) Intercultural Competence among Study Abroad Students during the Coronavirus Disease Outbreak of 2019. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Piña, Alejandra (2021) Mapping virus-associated health disparities utilizing highly-multiplexed serology. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Pletzer, Jordan Susan (2021) The lived experiences of contemplative practices in the lives of social change actors: An analysis with contemplative resistance and transformative change. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Poudel, Madhav (2021) CUDA-DClust+: revisiting early GPU-accelerated DBSCAN clustering designs. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Pringle, Claire Kathleen (2021) Geochronological analysis as a test of the presence of the Sonora allochthon in the Sierra Las Pintas, Baja California, Mexico. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Purcell, Alicia Marie (2021) Quantifying wild soil microbes: warming effects on taxon growth in the field. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Rao, Jun (2021) Using self-efficacy and assessment to support computer science student success. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Rengifo Faiffer, Maria Cristina (2021) From community to transcriptome: Responses of Syntrichia caninervis and biocrusts to climate change. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Richards Arellano, Vanessa Kelly (2021) Latina/o/x community college students pursuing stem degrees: an analysis of early momentum metrics at a southwestern community college. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Richardson, William J (2021) Virtual education in K-12 for at-risk students: a school analysis answering questions pertaining to preparedness, environment, and performance. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Riffle, Katherine Rose (2021) Automated Identification of Traffic Detector Malfunctions. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Riskas, Hannah Lee (2021) Climate effects on canopy arthropod communities of pinyon pine and juniper trees. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Robie, Alexandra Karma (2021) Debt sentence: a Critical Race Theory analysis of student loan default. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Rovira-Sugranes, Arnau (2021) Predictive Communication for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Networks. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Rozanski, Charlotte Aline (2021) The importance of fluvial geomorphology and watershed restoration for the New Mexico jumping mouse. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Russell, Nicol-Azizi Leilani (2021) Portraits of Indigenous students and educators in the time of Coronavirus disease 2019. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Ryckman, Weldon Stenger (2021) Understanding place in Sedona, Arizona, through tourism, spirituality, and planning. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Sadegh Pour Aji Bishe, Safoura (2021) Adaptive control strategies for lower-limb exoskeletons to assist gait. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Samano Ramirez, Carlos Rene (2021) Perceived impact of an artificial intelligent chatbot by first-generation Hispanic students enrolling at a public university. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Samuel, Ella Madeline (2021) Integrative Methods to Improve Ecological Restoration. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Sanchez, Angelica Maria (2021) ‘Being uncomfortable with the kids’: how high school history teachers talk about race in the classroom. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Sanchez, Daniel Enrique (2021) Hierarchical assessments of gene flow for cryptic and endangered mammals. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Sanders, Charles William (2021) Evaluating student achievement within alternative education schools: a comparison of district schools and charter schools in Arizona. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Sarkar, Sumant (2021) Circular dichroism in semiconducting-plasmomic hybrid chiral nanostructures. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Sarpong, Dennis (2021) Immigrant Perceptions of Police: From Nigeria to Arizona. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.


Schlittenhart, Emily (2021) First-generation and Pell Grant-eligible, navigating the financial aid verification process: a case study. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Schuessler, Alexandra Jane (2021) Fungal Endophyte Communities are Similar in Composition but have Different Effects on a Native and an Invasive Plant Species. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Settanni, Christopher Emil (2021) In vitro neurovascular model development for liquid embolic implant simulation. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Shaffer, Michael John (2021) A picture is worth one thousand words: introduction of the Sexual Harassment Inventory of Photographic Stimuli. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Shaffstall, Kayla Elaine (2021) An officer’s perspective: law enforcement and implicit bias training. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Shamsoshoara, Alireza (2021) Spectrum sharing and management in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle networks. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Sheriff, Taylor Nicole (2021) Interannual xylem plasticity in Pinus edulis and Populus tremuloides. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Sirvinskas, Eric (2021) Understanding social change through plant-based eating. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Smith, Sonja Michal (2021) Missing and murdered Indigenous people’s representation in northern Arizona: inquiring about settler colonialism in print. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Struve, Gabrielle Christine (2021) Assessing the association of ten-year cardiovascular disease risk with depression in the national health and nutrition examination surveys. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Stuart, Julia MacGregor (2021) The role of host identity in high latitude moss-associated nitrogen fixation. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Sukovich, Erica and UNSPECIFIED (2021) Molecular signatures of selection in Populus fremontii: precipitation and temperature as drivers of genomic variation. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Sutherlin, Caitlyn Eileen (2021) Evaluating Methods to Account for Soil Organic Carbon Stock Changes in Agricultural Lands. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Sweatt, Patrick Solano (2021) Reclaiming the Mountains: A Lefebvrian analysis of national park space during a federal shutdown. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Swenson, Jared Karl (2021) Environment specific alleles related to adaptive seasonal traits and the fitness consequences of phenology for Pinus strobiformis. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Taber, Ethan Michael (2021) Increased burn severity and simulated climate warming drive shifts in ecosystem function and understory plant traits one year post-fire in northern Arizona. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Tarazi, Chelsey Lynn (2021) Exploring the psychological experiences and resiliency practices of Navajo mothers who give birth to and care for a premature infant in a rural-serving neonatal intensive care unit. Doctoral thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Thomas, Taylor J (2021) Self-Propelled Motion of TiO2 Micron Sized Helical Particles. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Wang, Guangning (2021) CRISPR-Cas9 mediated mutagenesis of the arsenic methyl-3- transferase gene in zebrafish. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Ward, Jaclyn Lee (2021) Contrasting Collections: Indigenous Access to Literature for Young Readers. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Weich, Leah Heather (2021) Assaults and Mental Health Treatment in U.S. Jails. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

White, Heather (2021) “Whiteness” and relationship to land: an exploration of culture and belonging with settler-farmers in Northern Arizona. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Wrobleski, Emily Amory (2021) Multi-proxy evidence for climatic and environmental change during the late glacial and Holocene at Kelly Lake, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

Zhang, Dada (2021) Using multiple sensors to approach pavement deterioration through multiple regression analysis and distribution fitting. Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.

This list was generated on Wed Mar 5 10:18:09 2025 MST.